"I mean, that's an action movie," he said, kind of disappointed.

"Yeah, that's perfect. Um, guns, adrenaline. That's my thing," it was getting painful listening to this conversation, but I couldn't stop.

"Okay," he said, smiling at her. I could feel his emotions, he was eager.

"We should get a bunch of people to go. Do you guys want to go see Punch face?" She asked the table, and I almost dropped my fork. Oh Bella! I looked at Mike who was looking at her hurt and disappointed, which when I checked he was indeed feeling those.

"Face punch, yeah!" Eric said excitedly.

"Mike, hey, we were supposed to watch that. Remember the trailer's like...punch faces," he was making explosion noises and I sighed, she's probably gonna drag me to go see that.

"I remember," he said, shaking his head a little aggravated. Understandably so, he just asked Bella out and she made it into a group date.

"Yeah! Movie night with Bella," Jess said sarcastically, probably remembering how the last movie night went.

*at the movies*

"So, Face Punch, huh? You like action movies?" Jake asked, trying to have a conversation with a nervous and sick looking Mike. I tried using my emotional manipulation on him to help him feel better, but it didn't seem to be working.

"Not really," he admitted looking at us. I was standing beside Jake, who had his arm around me and was kind of sizing Mike up. Jake's temperature has slowly been rising for a few days to his wolf temperature now. He's going to be phasing either tonight or tomorrow, either way he should be at home. But, Since Bella asked him if he wanted to come with us, he jumped at the chance, which made me doubt that he doesn't still like her.

"I heard it sucks, Bad," he said and I rolled my eyes, not only has his temp been rising but his bad behavior as well. He's quicker to anger and aggravated easier.

"Are you even old enough to see this movie? I mean, you know, without, like, adult supervision. And Eva, you don't seem the type to like action, why are you here?" Mike asked a little rudely, and I felt Jake tighten his arm. I smiled at him trying to make this situation a lot less awkward and defusing it.

"Right, yeah, well, she's buying our tickets for us. And Linnie likes action movies." Jake spoke on our behalf.

"She's buying it. Okay," Mike said and both boys straightened up, Jake even removing his arm from around my shoulders, as Bella walked up.

"Jessica bailed, and Angela got the stomach flu, so Eric's taking care of her. It's just us four," she said, looking at all of us. I'm so gonna yell at Jess later for ditching me. And call Angela to see how she's doing and ask if she wants me to bring over my famous chicken noodle soup I make when someone is sick.

"Great!" Jake said, smiling.

"Great. yeah," Mike said, less enthusiastic as Jake did.

"Lets get candy! And popcorn!" I jumped a little in front of the guys and smiled. Maybe that will help. Bells did a little clicking sound with her mouth, and we went inside the theater. We got loads of candy and popcorn and drinks then went to screening room number 4 for the movie.

The movie so far has been a lot of unnecessary violence, guns, explosions and a lot of arguing. Jake and I have been enjoying every moment of it, even laughing a little at the crappy CGI moments. Bella, who was seated in between both boys, seemed to be not liking it that much. Mike, who was on the other side of Bella, seemed to be getting sicker and sicker. He was squirming in his seat and sweating like crazy. I could smell the sickness and bad emotions coming off of him in waves and it hurt my heart a little. He was just trying to have a nice date with Bella, watch a romcom, and probably go to dinner, but instead he's sick, stuck watching this movie, and stuck with it being a group thing.

Jake's hand, instead of holding mine, was holding a box of M&Ms, and the other out for Bella in case she wanted to hold his hand. Mikes was like that as well. I sighed, what a great boyfriend Jake is turning out to be. I should have known he was just coming to me because Bella wasn't returning his feelings.

"Okay, I think I'm gonna throw up," Mike said, getting our attention as he ran out.

"We should go with him," Bella said, and we got our things following behind. Once out I threw away the candy trash, empty cups and last little bit of popcorn.

"He's..." Bella started to say but didn't get anything else out.

"What a marshmallow!" Jake scoffed out with a mix of a smirk and smile.

"You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit," he said walking next to Bella while I trailed behind the two. Did he forget the conversation we had on my birthday, did he forget that he's my boyfriend?

"Yeah, I'll keep my eye open for that," They both chuckled, and then Jake tried to hold Bella's hand and my eyes widened as I froze.

"I feel bad. He probably has that flu that's going around," she said, taking her hand out of Jake's.

"I'm gonna go check on Mike. Who knows, I might confess my feelings for him, make him think I love him, and then go hold his brother's hand. Have fun with Bella, Jacob," I said venom in my words as I turned and started walking to the boys bathroom to check on Mike.

"Linnie, hold up," he said, following behind me. I stopped and faced him, I started whispering so Bella, who was on the stairs a couple feet away, couldn't hear.

"No, Jake it's over. In all honesty it was over the moment it started, I knew you loved Bella more, but I wanted to believe that I could change the little feelings you have for me into something more. We can still be best friends, it's fine. I get it. Go back to her and explain how I was overrating and it was nothing." I said quickly turning and going into the males bathroom. I peaked my head back out and sure enough Jake was back by Bella's side. He's going to be phasing very soon. He's probably imprinting on her, and that's why he suddenly became a jerk.

~Uh oh, trouble for the couple, don't worry though just keep reading.~ 

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