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Lizzie did her best to stay quiet as she hid in the Council Hall along with some of the other Gladers

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Lizzie did her best to stay quiet as she hid in the Council Hall along with some of the other Gladers. Minho glances over at her with concern, whispering, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." She quietly replied and nodded even though her heart beat was still beating like crazy. She knew that the Griever was still outside because they heard it. She jumped backwards, startled whenever a loud noise was heard on the roof of the Council Hall and she realized it was the Griever trying to break through. 

Lizzie moved closer to the door along with the others as dusk fell down from the roof since the Griever was trying to break it. She let out a yell when the Griever's claw broke through and she covered her head when the roof fell apart. She closed her eyes tight, just wishing the Griever's would leave. Minho pulled her to his side, trying his best to cover both of them from the falling pieces of wood. Another Griever claw broke through one part of the wall got Lizzie's attention. She opened her eyes when the Griever's claw broke through and screamed with everyone else. Everyone backed up and Lizzie's eyes widened with fear when she saw it was going to Chuck. 

"Chuck!" She exclaimed, going to move forward as the claw grabbed onto his back. Lizzie helped Thomas, Newt, and Minho pull Chuck back to them, but the Griever had a tight grip.

A shocked expression appeared on her face when she noticed the stinger and she hoped they could get Chuck before he got stung. She looked over when she heard a yell that was from Alby, surprised to see him running forward with a plank of wood, starting to hit the claw. It eventually let go and they pulled Chuck towards them. It went away as Alby yelled at it.

"Chuck, you okay?" Thomas asks while Chuck nods. He wasn't hurt, he was just shaken up about what just happened. "Yeah, I'm okay." Chuck responded.

Chuck looks over at Alby with a small smile. "Thanks, Alby." He said while Alby nodded.

"Alby, look out!" Thomas yelled when he noticed the Griever breaking through the roof behind Alby. "Alby!" Lizzie shouted with panic laced in her voice as the Griever grabbed Alby.

Thomas rushes forward and grabs Alby's hand. Tears formed in Lizzie's eyes as she watched Thomas try to pull him back. She would've gone to help Thomas if Alby didn't say, "Thomas, get them out." Then Alby was pulled away by the Griever, causing everyone to watch with disbelief and sadness. 

"No!" Thomas shouted with an upset expression on his face. He walked out of the Council Hall, ignoring everyone trying to talk to him. Everyone followed him and Lizzie was surprised to see most of the Glade destroyed and some parts were even on fire.

"Everyone is gone..." She whispered, not seeing anyone. It was possible that there could still be some left hiding, but she doubted that. She then noticed three Gladers walking towards them and realized it was Gally and two of the Builders.

"Gally-" Thomas started, but Gally interrupted him by punching him in the face making him fall to the ground. Lizzie's eyes widen and she gasped, not expecting this to happen. Newt, Minho, and Frypan held Gally back. They backed away as Thomas stood up, but Winston and Frypan made sure that Gally wouldn't try to hit Thomas again.

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