The Deep End

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"Big Hit Entertainment clearly states that the claims about our artist Jimin that are being spread on social media and online communities are not true.

While rehearsing for an alumni fundraiser with a fellow former schoolmate, Jimin and his acquaintance were photographed dancing.

We think it is unfortunate that the personal daily lives of our artists like Jimin during his period of rest became known in a distorted way.

We will determine whether CCTV footage was leaked or if there was illegal filming and will take strong legal action against the disclosure of personal information and this invasion of privacy. Furthermore, we announce that we will also be taking legal action against the spread of false rumors."

Having been quick to address the rumor, it faded after a couple of weeks. Coming from Jeongguk's previous experience of being photographed with a female friend, the A.R.M.Y was quick to defend and it did not blow out of proportion. They also noted that the A.R.M.Y. was trending to be sympathetic with the band and were starting to support their privacy and personal decisions.

"But," Bang PD was telling them, "There's no way of knowing how understanding they will be when they find out that the rumors are true." He was looking at Jeongguk when he said that. 

Jimin and Nira's rehearsals resumed in the Big Hit practice studios ever since. As much as Jeongguk wanted to protest and keep Jimin away, the Comms team reasoned that if there was no performance, then the rumor will flourish. There was no turning back.

The strain persisted. 

"I'm sorry," Jimin said, chancing upon Jeongguk in the kitchen, hoping this time Jeongguk would not walk away. After several weeks, he didn't. Jimin was hopeful.

"I need you to believe that it was one-way and I did not expect nor hope anything would come out of it... Jeongguk, I don't know how to get past this." 

Jeongguk had been thinking about this for a while. He was mad, but Jimin also had a lot to put up with him through the years, his hyungs reminded him. What struck most was what Yoongi said to him. "No one is harder on Jimin than himself." That did start eating at him. No matter how angry he was, deep inside, he didn't want Jimin to torture himself. 

He trusted that Jimin wouldn't do anything about it. He believed him, but it was still difficult to overcome. In his mind, Jimin and Nira were better matched. It wasn't exactly Jimin's fault, but it was painful to accept. It also hurt that Jimin pointed out the obvious. 

 "Will we ever be okay? "Jimin asked.

"Yes. No... Not yet." The pain of omission really dug deep at Jeongguk. "Even if you put a broken vase together, there's still a crack."

Jimin slumped and leaned on the counter beside Jeongguk and nodded. 

"Come to the practice studio tomorrow." he said without looking. "We're done with the whole choreo."

Jeongguk thought about this and looked at Jimin. "You know... what I realized when I saw you two dancing is that I can't bring that out of her."

"Jeongguk, she loves you. She chose you." Jimin said with exasperation.

Jeongguk crossed his arms over his chest and looked down.

"You should come," Jimin said, his voice almost shaky. "I may have gotten her back to dancing, but she is dancing because of you. You gave her the heart for this song. Jeongguk, I regret everything I said. I was being spiteful."

They turned when they heard someone walk in.

Yoongi paused and looked at them both... "Oh good. Girl fight is finally over." he said. He got a bottle of water from the refrigerator and left. 

Jimin understood it would take time, but at least he was able to say what he needed to say. "Just come down to the practice room. After the show, I'm keeping my distance."

"No." Jeongguk disagreed, "She doesn't deserve to lose another person in her life."

Jimin took what he could.


He didn't want to see them dance. That's the plain truth, but he was going to do it for Nira.

Jeongguk walked into the practice room and the lights were dimmed. He looked down the hall both ways. No other room was open. When he peered inside, he noticed that there was a chair on the mirror side of the room. There was a note on it. "Sit." it read and so he did. The light above him dimmed and the music started playing. Upfront,  two pin lights lit over Jimin and Nira. 

Nira was standing behind Jimin. She walked towards him, twirled, and leaned back at him... then he lifted her. Jeongguk leaned back and rolled his tongue inside his cheek. But it didn't take long for the rest of the room to disappear for Jeongguk. He saw Nira with new eyes. She and Jimin were mirroring each other's steps, but he only had eyes on her.  

He was holding his breath as he watched her dance and he leaned back when their eyes locked. That's when he realized, she was dancing for him. The song suddenly became more meaningful. She was singing to him with her soul. He finally understood and this is her profession.

For a long time, he felt he was drifting, searching for something that he felt would fill the void. Yet, it turned out that it wasn't because he was incomplete, he just never thought he was worthy enough to be genuinely loved for who he was.

Then Nira entered his life. Unlike others, she accepted him for everything he is. Nira was all it took for him to realize that he was his own man, and he wanted to be the man for her. The song - the dance - was expressing that she was in the deep with him.

She feels this way even after getting a taste of what it feels to stand on the precipice with him. Jeongguk thought about this deeply as he watched Nira. He thought about how hard it must be to be concealed. He thought about the A.R.M.Y. and what he represented for them. He had a true love for both, but is either really ready to accept the other?  

The dance ended with Nira and Jimin looking at each other. "Thank you." she whispered to Jimin. He smiled at her and said, "Go."

Nira smiled back, she gave him a small nod and turned to run towards Jeongguk. As she came closer, he thought that with true love, the A.R.M.Y. will just have to accept that Nira completes him. They have to.

On the other side of the room, Jimin walked to where he left his coat in the dark. Without a word, he picked it up and left.

Book 1: The Magic Shop | A Jeon Jeongguk  BTS Fan Fiction (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now