Hard To Fix

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"You weren't thinking, that's the problem. How did you think Jungkookiah would feel if he found out?!" Jin was banging on the table. The hyungs were all at the dining table with Jimin, every single one furious. Jimin buried his face in his hands.

"Aiiish! You look pitiful!" Jin said looking away. "How are we going to fix this one?"

Yoongi was rubbing Jimin's back, consoling him. Everyone was troubled by this rift that formed. 

"Wait... so the bottom line is, you are in love with her but you're not going to do anything about it, did I get that right?" RM summed up. Jimin nodded. "And now, Jeongguk knows you're in love with her and we have this picture all over the internet?"

"Technically, Jeongguk doesn't know exactly what he isn't supposed to know, but he is really scary right now. I've never seen Jeongguk this furious." Jin answered.

Taehyung, who was on the lookout just got a message from security. "JK is on his way up." he said. 

They all got on red alert, ready to welcome a bull in a china shop. In silence, they waited to hear the elevator ding from the lobby. "Hey," Hobi said looking around the table, "I'm kind of really scared right now," he whispered. 

Yoongi looked up at Hobi smirked, "At least you're not Jiminah. You'd probably pee in your pants."

"Sssh... we don't need this nonsense right now." Jin shushed, looking like he was on the edge. His knuckles were white grasping the end of the table. 

Namjoon stood up and walked towards the hall to receive Jeongguk. Taehyung stood beside him.  They heard the elevator. "Here we go," Namjoon said under his breath.

The door opened slowly. They heard shuffling then footsteps. Jeongguk walked into view with a steely gaze. He quickly surveyed the room and locked on Jimin. He thought he had a better handle after seeing Nira, but seeing Jimin...

He started towards him, but Namjoon and Taehyung stood on his way. "Whooa... whoa easy." Namjoon said.

Namjoon crossed his arms over his chest. "How's Nira? Is she okay?

"Yes. My girl is fine." he said evenly, his gaze never leaving Jimin.

"That's good. There is an announcement being drafted and we'll talk PR response tomorrow."

"Okay hyung, Thank you." Jeongguk said, "Now, I want to talk about why Jimin is crying and what it is that he is keeping from me."

"We're going to talk about this as a family, JK." Hobi answered. "Jimin will sit here at the table, and you sit over there at the kitchen counter."  He pointed to the stool on the farthest side of the room. 

Then suddenly, Jimin stood up and walked towards Jeongguk. "What an idiot." he said hissing under his breath.

"Jungkookiah, nothing happened. We were just practicing our choreo." Jimin reasoned.

"I've talked to my girl. I already know that. And I know you so I want your real answer right now. What was I supposed to not find out? That you loved her? Are you secretly pining for her? I asked you if you liked her! You said NO!"

"Jeongguk..." Namjoon said, putting his hand on Jeongguk's arm, ready to restrain him.

"As you are dancing  with her, did you pretend she was pouring herself into it for you?"

This riled Jimin up. He was getting teary-eyed, but he was also exasperated about how bull-headed and unreasonable Junggeok gets.  "No, I knew it wasn't for me. This is immature, JK. Grow up!"

"Hey hey!" Hobi called out. The tension was tearing at all the members. 

Jimin ran his fingers through his hair. "That's just the way dance is. You sing with your voice, her soul sings when she dances. If you don't understand that then you will never understand her."

"And you do?"

"Yes! I do! because we speak the same language and it's sad if you can't." Jimin answered sharply.

No one breathed. Jeongguk felt it as a dagger through his chest.

"I do like Nira." Jimin continued wiping his eyes with the back of his hands. "I admit it, but I had no intention of acting on it. I didn't do anything wrong. All I am sorry for is you finding out. I was planning to keep it to myself."

"You're not doing a very good job of hiding it. That's my problem." Jeongguk gritted his teeth.

"Are you insecure that she will choose me?" Jimin was being spiteful.

"Is that your end game?" Jeongguk yelled. Namjoon and Taehyung held him back.

"Alright!" Namjoon yelled over them, stopping the fight. "Enough. Enough! Both of you cool it. You have to be able to talk about this properly so we can resolve this."

Jeongguk turned and punched the wall, then he walked off to his room. Jimin headed for his.

"Ok." Namjoon said turning to the rest of the band. "As you all know. Walking out is not allowed... but we will make an exception only for today because shit,  I don't know how to deal with Jungkookie being mad as hell and out for blood."

"...Jimin's blood." Yoongi volunteered his clarification.

"Yeah... he did look scary. Scary baby." Hobi said, still in shock. 

"They'll sort it out. They always have." Yoongi said patting Hobi on the knee.

It got quiet too quiet. "I wish I had my camera. He looked adorable. " Hobi sighed, attempting to break the chill in the air, "Jungkookie mad! Aaargh! Jungkookie smash!!!"

"Aaarrgh!!" Jin joined in. They all smiled at each other, but it was evident that everyone was worried. 

"Come to think of it, where the hell are the cameras today?" Jin thought to himself. He studied the room for hidden cameras as everyone else dispersed. They all felt depleted of comedy. This one was going to be hard to fix.


In the room he shared with Hobi, Jimin went straight to the closet and closed the door behind him. In the dark, he sat on the floor and buried his face in his hands. What did I do? he thought. He started sobbing quietly.

Book 1: The Magic Shop | A Jeon Jeongguk  BTS Fan Fiction (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now