The Play Along

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After Nira took their order, Jeongguk quickly led Jimin to the back of the cafe. Jimin was happy to bump into an old friend, but his interest was piqued by Jeongguk acting suspiciously. He was still smiling fondly at seeing Nira, but his eyebrows frowned when he saw Jeongguk's urgent expression.

"What's the matter with you?" He whispered. They both looked to see if Nira was watching. She was busy behind the coffee machine.

"I promise to explain later. But right now, she thinks my name is Jake. Can you play along?" Jeongguk replied quickly under his breath.

Jimin's eyes narrowed and curved. The shape of his cheeks widening behind the mask was telling that he was grinning ear to ear. "Kookie... Kookie.. what's going on here?"

"Do you promise?" Jeongguk asked, his eyes were pleading.

"Yes, okay." Jimin nodded.

"And you promise not to mention anything to the others?"

Jimin realized that this was very important to their namdongsaeng. Although usually very playful and seemingly innocent, Jeongguk also has a serious side where he is pensive, restless, and stubbornly determined. It's the side of Jeongguk that everyone agrees has emerged in recent years. Their maknae was, after all, no longer a kid. When he was into something he deeply cared about to learn or explore, it was all or nothing for Jeongguk. It looked like he had found something like that in Nira. "What's going on here, Jungkookieah?" he asked. He didn't say anything but waited on the promise sought.

Jimin patted his shoulder. "Ok, Jake. I promise," he assured him. Jeongguk sighed with relief.

Moments later, Nira approached with a tray and their coffee and they caught up with each other's lives.

"So, how do you know each other?" Nira asked them. Both Jimin and Jeongguk gave a nervous laugh which Nira picked up on. Jeongguk pulled the chair beside him so that Nira could sit down. Jimin thought that was interesting. Jeongguk usually sat at the far side of the room in proximity to any girl.

"Uh..." Jimin volunteered to respond. "We work together at Big Hit." He turned to look at Jeongguk as if asking if that was a good answer.

"That's right," Nira replied. "I don't really get to hear too much of what's happening outside this cafe, but I did hear that you became an idol after you graduated... Or I think I read it somewhere..."

"I did! Yes!" Jimin nodded. It was nice to be reminded that there are still people and places that don't know or care much about their band BTS.

"You must be really busy then, but you seem like you're doing well. I'm very happy for you."

"We are... I mean, me and BTS, my group. Yes, I am well." Jimin stammered after feeling Jungkook poke him on the back. "Jake here, he travels with us."

"Ah... part of the crew?"

Jimin looked at Jeongguk for the right answer. He found Jeongguk nodding. When Nira turned away from Jeongguk, he ran his finger across his neck - a sign to cut the thread and switch to safer topics since he didn't know exactly what he'd walked into.

"What happened to you? I remember you left school but did you come back?" Jimin asked.

Nira's back straightened a little when she said, "No I wasn't able to."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"My grandfather got very sick. I had to leave school to keep the cafe open and take care of him. I never had a chance to go back. I was planning to go back later, but years flew quickly... and you know, it's too late to go back."

Jeongguk noted the sadness in her eyes as she said that. Jimin was shaking his head incredulously. "It's never too late to dance," he said to her quietly.

She waved her hand, signaling that she wanted to change the topic. They talked about many things and recalled many shared memories from their school days. "It is nice to see you after all these years. You have to visit me again," she said fondly when Jimin said they had to head back.

A part of Jeongguk was a little displeased that his planned afternoon at the cafe was disrupted, but he was also happy to learn more about Nira than he anticipated. But then, Jimin did get Nira's number even before he got to ask for it. He didn't know how he felt about that.

As they were heading out, Nira tugged at his sleeve. He turned and found himself swimming in her bright eyes.

"Jake, I'm really glad to see you today too," she said. Jeongguk's heart skipped a bit. "You have to come by again."

"Me too. Maybe next time, you can show me how to draw flowers on the coffee foam?" he asked.

She agreed and promised to teach him.

Jimin watched them by the door. He had his suspicion that he had intruded into something, and he was definitely sure now. "I'd like to learn too," he said ignoring Jeongguk's dagger look. Jimin chuckled to himself. Jimin asked for Nira's number then and handed his phone to her. She punched her number in and he called her to give his in return. He turned to Jeongguk and pointed to his watch, willfully unacknowledging his glare. They said their goodbyes to Nira and left.

When they both walked out onto the sidewalk and were out of sight, Jimin playfully punched him on the arm.

"Jungkookieeeeah.." he said, giving Jungkook a knowing smile.




"If you're nicer to me, I can give you her number." he teased.

Jeongguk didn't say anything. Jimin pulled his mask down to show Jeongguk the big smile on his face. "Ahh..." he said, "Our JK is all grown up."

Jeongguk groaned, but deep inside, he was excited that he could ask Jimin for Nira's number. For that moment, he was glad the van had come in time to pick them up. He knew Jimin would have a lot of questions, and he was more than happy to be able to dodge them for the meantime.

The truth was, he didn't know exactly what to say about Nira. He may want to deny it, but he knew what he was feeling. He knew he was attracted to Nira. He also knew that he shouldn't entertain what was growing inside of him for so many reasons.

He had been going back and forth about this in his mind. Several times, he resisted the urge to go out for coffee, and eventually he decided that he didn't want to stay away. Jeongguk convinced himself that there was no trouble there. No one knows he goes to the Magic Shop anyway.

Regardless, he vowed to himself that he will make sure that no trouble will come to Nira from knowing him. No matter what.

Book 1: The Magic Shop | A Jeon Jeongguk  BTS Fan Fiction (Completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat