An Unexpected Stop

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It seemed like he closed his eyes for just a moment. He leaned back on the leather seat and rested his head back. They were on their way back after a long day of filming. The rest of the members already went ahead. His part was the last. "Hyung..." he called out to Sejin, BTS's manager. Sejin had been with the boy band almost from the very beginning and was a big brother to the boys.

When Jeongguk opened his eyes, he saw that Sejin was looking at him from the mirror. "Did you get a good nap?" Sejin called out from the front of the van. Jeongguk nodded. "Are we close to home?" Jeongguk asked. He tried to look out the window, but it looked like the sun was already down and the tint was dark.

"We're almost there," Sejin replied quietly, respectful that his tired charge was just waking up from a long day of hard work. "We just need to stop a bit and get cake."


"Yes. Over there, that's where we got Jin's cake for his birthday." Sejin said pointing to the driver. The van slowly swerved to the right side of the street. 

"Hold on, hyung. I'm coming with you. I want to get coffee." Jeongguk called. Sejin offered to get him coffee but he insisted that he needed to stretch his legs a bit.

Jeongguk put on his bucket hat and face mask. Sejin opened the door and both men crossed the sidewalk to enter a quaint-looking cafe. Above the door hung a hand-painted sign with the curious name of the cafe: The Magic Shop.

Beneath his mask, Jeongguk's mouth curved into a small smile. His eyes widened into wondrous orbs as he took in the charm of the shop front. Twinkle lights outlined the large windows. The inside glowed in warm yellow. He spied the counter and refrigerator lined with different kinds of cake with clouds of buttercream and fruits. Above in trays of various heights,  mounds of different kinds of loaves, sweet bars, and cookies filled the case. 

The door opened to an even more amazing interior. Overhead, the ceiling was the deepest shade of midnight blue akin to a clear, midnight sky with hundreds of golden stars. There was an inviting sofa at the end of the shop and little groupings of mismatched chairs and wooden tables across the cafe floor. There were many well-loved books on table stands and a big wall of photos and little notes. There were drawings and personal memorabilia. Jeongguk wanted to walk over and look at the mementos, but Sejin tugged at his sleeve and nodded towards the counter. Jeongguk nodded back and looked at the menu. 

As he was reading the menu behind the counter, a girl's head popped up from behind the counter. "Omo," she said in surprise. "Welcome to the Magic Shop! I'm terribly sorry. I didn't hear you come in." 

Sejin and Jeongguk looked at each other and laughed. "It's alright," Sejin smiled at the girl, "We would like to order another cake, please. The same as the last one." Her eyes lit up above her mask. Jeongguk made note of how her bangs shifted as her eyebrows raised a little. 

"I'm glad you liked the cake," she bowed slightly. "Let me get one from the back." 

She was about to turn when Sejin pointed to Jeongguk, "My friend would also like to order coffee." She nodded and looked at him waiting to take his order.

Clearly not ready and suddenly overcome with shyness, Jeongguk took a slight step backward. "Uh..," he said looking back up at the menu. "Just cafe latte please," he mumbled. He looked quickly back at her. She nodded and said she'll be right back. Jeongguk watched as she disappeared into a door behind her. She was light in her step, he noted. 

"Is this a new shop, hyung?" Jeongguk asked Sejin. Yes and no, their manager answered. It was always where he picked up a cake for the boys, but it looks like it had been re-decorated. Sejin was busy answering a message on his phone as Jeongguk looked around. It was a nice shop. It did not have the usual modern minimalist style of most coffee shops around Seoul. He also noticed the art on the wall was not familiar. One caught his eye in particular; it was a watercolor of a tiger lily, a flower that was very meaningful to him.

Both men looked back as the girl came back. She was holding a cake box and settled it on the counter. She moved fluidly, her right hand reaching out to the end of a ball of string. Jeongguk noted that she had small, dainty hands. She expertly tied up the box with a red and white string. With a graceful turn, she picked the box up and transferred it to the counter in front of them. "The coffee will be ready in a moment," she bowed. "Would you like to sit down while you wait?" Sejin nodded his thanks and made his way to a nearby chair. 

For some reason, Jeongguk was transfixed. He wanted to watch her dance behind the counter. She was slightly taken aback when she realized the man who ordered the coffee latte was still in front of her and watching her. Her eyes shifted down demurely and she hid behind the machine. He smiled to himself. The coffee seemed to be dripping from the machine slower than usual, she thought. "It will be ready soon," she said making conversation.

He was still looking at her. His eyes seemed like they were smiling, but she couldn't be sure with the black mask covering half his face. He nodded and said he didn't mind the wait. He watched her pour the coffee in a brown paper cup and topped it off with steaming hot milk. 

Jeongguk was amused. He knew he had made her nervous. This feeling is not new to him. Jeon Jeongguk is the Golden Maknae. The whole country had watched him grow up these last ten years as the lead vocalist and youngest member of BTS. Their fanbase - the A.R.M.Y - has exploded in recent years as they became a global phenomenon. He found himself flashing his famous disarming smile and realized it was lost behind the mask. She placed the lidded cup on the tray in front of him and slightly pushed the tray forward, completely unaware that he had tried to unleash his charms on her. 

She stepped back and bowed. "Thank you and please come again!" she said cheerfully. It was not the reaction he was hoping for.

"I will." he found himself replying before Sejin said anything. When he turned to follow Sejin, he found the manager looking at him with laughing eyes. Jungkook pretended not to notice.

Thank you for giving my first chapter a read. I'm an A.R.M.Y noona who enjoyed reading everyone's work that I thought I'd give it a try. This is my first book. In my own way, I wanted to give our boys a happy ending. I truly hope you stick to the end and enjoy it.

Please let me know in the comments what your favorite moments are. I would also appreciate your votes and would be honored if you shared this with your friends.

Thank you so much!

Book 1: The Magic Shop | A Jeon Jeongguk  BTS Fan Fiction (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن