Heart Eyes (Sakuatsu)

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A/N:  Something soft for them

Song: Singularit by BTS' V 

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       Atsumu Miya quietly laid on his bed, cuddling a plush he was gifted by his boyfriend a few months ago. He was on spring break, and even though he was glad to have a nice break, he got bored easily and didn't know what to do. He sighed, got up, and quickly grabbed his phone to call someone. 

       "Pick up, please?" he mumbled as he waited for the person he was calling to pick up. After about 30 seconds, the person he called picked up.

       "Hello?" Sakusa Kiyoomi said when the call began.


       "Oh, hi brat."


       "I'm kidding, how are you doing, love?" Sakusa asked.

       "I'm doing good, Omi-Omi," Atsumu responded, "but I'm really bored...can you come over?" There was silence on the other end for a moment before the blonde boy sighed.

       "Baby, you know I live hours away, right?" Kiyoomi said.

       "I know, I know," Atsumu replied, "but I miss you, it's been over a month since we've seen each other in person, and I want to see your handsome face again." There was an amused sigh on the other end of the call.

       "...fine, be thankful we're both on break, love," Sakusa said, "you better wait for me though, it's going to take a while."

       "Of course I'll wait for you, Omi Omi!" Atsu said excitedly, "be safe! I love you!"

       "I love you too, Atsu, I'll be with you as soon as I can." And with that last statement, Kiyoomi hung up the phone. If you didn't know, Sakusa lived over seven hours away from Atsumu which meant that the two weren't able to see each other very often. But when they were able to see each other, they made the most of it. Thankfully, however, the train ride from Tokyo to Hyogo was only around four and a half hours so it shouldn't take too long.

       After a couple of hours, there was a knock on the Miya twins' door. Osamu opened the door to reveal a Sakusa Kiyoomi wearing a white mask, one of his school shirts (the Itchiyama volleyball spirit wear), and gray sweatpants (it's the gray sweatpants for me-). He was holding a bag of a week's worth of clothes. Osamu rolled his eyes.

       "Tsumu, your boyfriend's here!" the younger twin yelled from the first floor. After a couple of seconds, the Itchiyama student could hear a person running down the stairs and before he knew it, he was being pulled into a hug. 

       "I missed you so much, Omi Omi..." Atsumu mumbled into Sakusa's shoulder.

       "I missed you too, Atsu," Sakusa placed a small kiss on the top of the blonde boy's head as he heard Osamu from behind the two pretend to gag.

       "If you're going to act all lovey-dovey, at least do it when I'm not around," Osamu said before walking away (Atsumu flipped him off, but we don't talk about that-).

        "Come on, Omi, I want to show you some things!" And before Sakusa could react, Atsumu had pulled him to his room to talk about anything and everything. But Kiyoomi didn't mind, in fact, he was happy to see his boyfriend so happy. 


       Atsumu and Sakusa quietly watched a movie on Kiyoomi's laptop on the bed as the two cuddled. It was nighttime now and they were both watching Love Actually, one of Atsumu's favorites, and Kiyoo couldn't help but glance over to the love of his life to see him excited and/or crying over how cute the couples were acting in the movie. 

       "Well, how was that, Atsu?" the boy with the black curly hair asked, but only looked over to find his boyfriend asleep on his shoulder. Sakusa sighed but placed a blanket over him, he kissed Atsumu on both of his cheeks. 

       "You could've just told me you were tired, baby," the older boy said and patted the blonde boy on the head. There was silence for a few moments before Kiyoomi began speaking again.

       "I feel like I don't say it enough but," Sakusa snuggled his head into Tsumu's hair, "I love you so much, Atsu, you being so patient with me has helped me be better for you, so thank you love." Kiyo carefully placed his head on top of Atsumu's, intertwined their hands, and fell into a peaceful sleep with his mind at peace.


       Atsumu was partially awake when he heard his boyfriend begin speaking, and he couldn't help but feel so happy and warm inside. He knew that his boyfriend did love him, but hearing him pour his heart out to him was something he found so sweet.

       Once Atsumu knew that his boyfriend was completely asleep, he opened his eyes to admire Kiyoomi, Atsumu practically had heart eyes when seeing his lover so calm. 

       "I love you too, Omi Omi," Atsumu whispered back, "you don't have to tell me you love me to know you do, seeing you so happy makes me happy, so please don't worry about me. You don't have to tell me you love me to make me love you, because the only time I may not love you is when we finally rest together." Atsumu kissed Sakusa on the nose 

                                             "I love you, Omi Omi. Please don't forget that."

The End

A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed this one :)

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