Strawberry Kisses (Sunaosa)

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Song: American Money by BORNS (the band name is stylized differently, but you guys already probably know)

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       Osamu Miya quietly cut up the tops of strawberries in the kitchen and began to wash each of them in a bowl. Food was something that people could easily bond over, at least, that's how Osamu believed in. Once Osamu finished washing all the fruits in the bowl, he had heard the garage door open and heard a mingle of voices approaching the door. 

       The restaurant owner knew who these voices belonged to, none other than his twin brother Atsumu Miya and his (and when I say his, I mean Osamu) boyfriend, Suna Rintarou. He knew that both of them were famous volleyball players, which means that both of them would have to travel out of town a lot for matches, but he didn't really mind. As long as his older brother and significant other were safe and happy, there weren't any problems.

       Atsumu usually would be with "his Omi-Omi" (Sakusa Kiyoomi), but since Kiyoomi was still on a flight home, Atsumu would be staying with his brother for the night. "Hello, bitch,"  Atsu said jokingly when he got into the house.

       "Right back at you, bitch," Osamu replied light-heartedly, "is Rin coming in soon?"

       "He is," Atsumu's face fell a little, however, "he just needs a moment to himself right now, he may tell you why later." Fear rose in 'Samu's body. His boyfriend was in need right now, but Suna had said that he needed time alone, which is why Osamu left him alone...for now. Atsumu quietly headed to his room after this conversation. After a few minutes, Osamu had decided to go into the garage to see if Suna was there, but was met by someone immediately hugging him.

       "I missed you so much, 'Samu," Suna said into Osamu's chest, silently sobbing, "I missed so much." Osamu quietly wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, comforting him. 

       "Hey, are you ok, Rin?" he asked, "what happened while you were away?" Rintarou took a deep breath before continuing, his hands were shaking. He was so nervous.

        "When we were traveling, I must have gotten something into my system because a few days into our trip, I got really sick," he said shakily, "I could barely play in any of my matches, and I would throw up after each one. It scared me so much..." The grey-haired boy gently ran his hand along his boyfriend's back to calm him down. 

        "It's going to be ok, I promise, Rin," he said, "I'll be able to take care of you now, you probably only have a stomach bug, and that's easy to take care of." Suna looked to the floor.

        " sure?"

        "Of course, I'd do anything for you if I could Sunny-kun." Suna smiled slightly and looked up again. 

         "Then...alright." So with this answer, Osamu carefully picked Suna up (Rintarou giggled a little) and carried him to the kitchen, and sat him on the counter. He picked up the bowl of strawberries he had washed and given one to his boyfriend.

         "You can keep food down now, right?"

         "Kind of depends on what food though," he said, "I've tried to eat a proper meal before, but I ended up throwing up again. But little things like fruit should be ok...I guess." In response to this, Osamu stuffed a strawberry into the boy with the black hair's mouth.

         "Then eat that," Osamu replied, "strawberries have a lot of vitamin C in them, it can help you fight off the stomach bug." Suna quietly ate the strawberry, but then smiled. He quickly took the strawberry out of his mouth, pulled his boyfriend to face him, and gave him a short yet sweet kiss on the lips. After they pulled away, Suna laughed as Osamu flushed pink.

         "Did you like my surprise?" he said, smirking at his flustered boyfriend. But Samu wasn't going to let things just end there, so when he saw that Suna was peacefully eating his berries, Osamu took the chance to pull him into a kiss which they both laughed into.

          "I got you back," the boy with the dyed hair said, which Rintarou giggled at. 

          "You certainly did," Suna grabbed another strawberry before a certain someone entered the room again.

          "You could've at least did this when I wasn't here," Atsumu said, pretending to be disgusted.

          "This is my home and I can kiss my boyfriend whenever I wish BITCH," Osamu replied dramatically. Atsumu gasped, looking offended. 

          "Well fine, then I guess I'll leave, Omi-Omi just landed and I have to get going," Atsumu began to leave before turning around, grinning, "enjoy your time alone, lovebirds." The blonde boy left, leaving the couple blushing at each other.

          Suna carefully grabbed Osamu's hand and kissed it. "Time alone, Atsumu said, right?" Rintarou said with a smirk, Samu pushed the slightly taller boy as his boyfriend laughed.

           "How dare you think of something so UNHOLY Rin?!"

           "I don't know, how about you answer that da-" Osamu picked Suna mid-sentence and took them to their shared bedroom (with Suna's protest to put him down). He laid his slightly sick boyfriend on the bed, laid next to him, and wrapped a blanket around both of them.

           "This is why I don't invite Atsumu around often, he gives you too many ideas," Osamu grumbled as he kissed his Rin's cheeks as he laughed and they both soon fell asleep.


           The couple sat on their couch the next morning as they talked about everything and anything as they ate the leftover strawberries from last night. As they spoke, songs from one of their small speakers played. Sweet songs such as "Blueberry Eyes" and "Everybody Talks" played but after a couple of songs...a certain song began to play.

              "Hey, Rin, don't you recognize this song?" Osamu said. Suna took a moment to listen to what was playing before breaking into a smile and giggling slightly. 

               "It's our song, isn't it?" Osamu nodded, and Suna gave a pleased sigh, "it's been a while since I've heard it."

                "...hey, Rin?"


                  "...can you sing this song for me, I know you have a beautiful voice." The black-haired boy blushed slightly from the compliment but smiled.

                  "Oh, alright."

"Oh oh oh oh oh, there's no time to sleep"

"Oh oh oh oh oh, living in a dream"

"So take me to the paradise"
"In your eyes"
"Green like American money"  
"You taste just right"
"Sweet like Tennessee honey"

"And we can run away"
"Swimming in the sunlight every day"
"Oh oh oh oh, paradise in your eyes"
"Green like American money"

                  After Suna finished singing the chorus of the song, Osamu smiled and kissed Suna on the cheek, obviously pleased with his mini-performance. "Thank you, Rin," he said, "I loved it, you sounded wonderful." The corners of Rintarou's mouth curled upward.

                  "Thank you, babe, I love you."

                  "I love you too, baby."

The End

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