Comfy Day (Kinkuni)

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A/N: I love them so much aaaaaa

Song: double take by dhruv

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       Kunimi Akira woke up on a Thursday morning, exhausted as usual. Kunimi was a person who usually needed and wanted rest but was never able to get the rest they wanted, and he hated it. He grumbled as he got up, got dressed and ready, and grabbed a little bit of breakfast before leaving his home. 

       But as he got ready, he felt extremely queasy and sick whenever he got up and tried to walk around and would cough and sneeze often. Before getting breakfast, he had decided to take his temperature, his temperature was 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit (37.5 degrees Celcius). 

       "Goddamnit, son of a bitch," Kunimi scolded himself. He knew that if he had gotten more sleep, he wouldn't have been sick. "I still have to go to school, I have a test today." He took a thermos that had tea in it, wrote a note for his older sister (fun fact: it's actually canon that Kunimi has an older sister) that he already left for school, and headed out the door and already felt like he was going to be even sicker. 

. . . . . . . 

       "Kunimi-chan, you sure you ok?" Oikawa, the volleyball team captain, asked. Akira nodded. Many of his friends and teammates had asked him if he was ok since he was looking really sickly but continued to tell everyone he was fine. But he had a feeling he wouldn't be able to up the facade much longer. 

       "I'm fine, Oikawa-san, don't worry about me," Kunimi said with a weak smile. Tooru knew that there was something wrong, but he decided not to pry farther into the other boy's business. There was a reason why he would say that...right? Oikawa gave a small nod and left the locker room. 

       "Liar liar pants on fire," someone said from a short distance. Kunimi knew who it was, he felt relaxed, but he knew what was coming to him.

       "Hello, Yuutaro," Kunimi said with a soft smile. He knew what his boyfriend would be telling him, after all, this wasn't the first time this happened. He would be telling him that Akira should've stayed at home and rested instead of coming to school and work in 3...2...1...

       "Why did you come to school today if you knew you were sick?" Bingo, there was the question everyone was waiting for (obvious sarcasm, of course). Kunimi sighed.

       "Because we had an important test today," he said, "it was over 40% of my grade for crying out loud. I couldn't miss that, plus, we have a match against Inarizaki soon. I have to prepare for that." Kindaichi shook his head.

        "You can worry about that match after you get better," Yuutaro said, already ushering a pouting Kunimi Akira out the locker room, "you need your rest, I can't let you run around all sick like this."

        "What if I want to run around like this?" The taller boy was about to reply, but then the sick boy silenced him. "Shush, that was a rhetorical question." After about 30 seconds of Kunimi trying to run back into the locker room, Kindaichi finally got Kunimi outside the room and shut the door to it.

        "This is really unlike you, actually," Kindaichi said, "you usually would love to skip volleyball practice and I'm the one to drag you back here."

        "Is there any problem with me wanting to do well in volleyball?"

        "Well, no, but now's not the time to be going to practice!"

        "Ugh, fine, I guess." But just as Kunimi said that he began to cough, he needed to get better if he wanted any chance of playing in the next game. Kindaichi sighed and picked Akira up which resulted in the other boy practically hissing at him to put him down.

          "Put me down, idiot!" Kunimi hissed as Kindaichi laughed and carefully walked while carrying him to the front of the school to leave.

          "Hmm, no, I don't think I will." Kunimi pouted and crossed his arms, but didn't say anything else. The journey home to Akira was a lot more comfortable than he expected. Sure it was bumpy here and there, but the warmth and comfort from his boyfriend's arms made him feel relaxed. After a couple of minutes of the two boys heading home, Kunimi felt his eyes growing heavy...and he fell asleep.

. . . . . . .

          Kunimi Akira woke up in a strange room, he felt like there was someone next to him, but he couldn't tell by the darkened room. After his eyes adjusted to the pitch-black room, he could tell that this room was his boyfriend's. After all, he had spent many nights here, crashing onto his bed from exhaustion. Kunimi felt his forehead, his fever had gone down a little, but he was still definitely burning up.

          "Oh, you're awake," Kindaichi said and flicked on the lamp in his room, "you fell asleep on the way to my house, you looked adorable while you slept." Kunimi playfully pushed Kindaichi and laughed.

          "Shut up."

          "Make me, bitch."

          "Fine, but after you get me clothes, bITCH."

          "Wow, we were having a moment, and you suddenly ask for clothes?" Yuutaro said, pretending to be offended, "do you even love me?!"

          "I do love you, Yuta," Akira replied, "but do you really want to see me sitting in clothes I've worn for over ten hours?" There was a moment of hesitation.

          "Fine, but you have to give me cuddles after I do," Kindaichi said, and Kunimi gave a bright smile. ("Cute..." Yuutaro thought). The boy got up to go get his boyfriend some clothes, but Kunimi wanted to add one more thing.

           "One of your hoodies and a pair of shorts will do," he said, and the taller boy immediately stopped in his tracks and turned around.

           "But baby, you already have so many of my hoodies," Kindaichi pleaded, but Kunimi shook his head. 

           "I still want one," Akira gave his significant other puppy eyes, "please Yuta, just one hoodie??" Kindaichi hesitated for a moment...he wanted to keep his hoodies...but his boyfriend was sick and wanted one of his hoodies...

. . . . . . .

           "You better give me back this hoodie this time," Kindaichi said, wrapping his hands around the boy in his lap's waist, Kunimi chuckled.

           "Maybe I will, maybe I won't," he said, rubbing his thumb over his Yuta's can truly blind people, but sometimes, being blinded by love is not something to regret.

The End 

Extra A/N: Look at this cute picture I found 🥺

Extra A/N: Look at this cute picture I found 🥺

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