Lovely (Sakuatsu)

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A/N: Wooo, I wanted to write about them for a while, so here we are.

Art: @/onniegiri on Twitter (I think?)

Song: Serpendity by BTS' Jimin 

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       Atsumu Miya and Sakusa Kiyoomi have been dating for over a month now, and they loved each other very much, but some limits came with this love. The main limit they both faced was physical interaction. Sakusa Kiyoomi had major germophobia and tried to limit himself from contact with germs, and that included physical contact. Atsumu understood and respected his boyfriend's boundaries, but still, it just made him a bit sad.

       "Hey, Atsu?" Sakusa asked from Atsumu's door frame, shaking Astumu from his thoughts. "Are you ready for our date?"

       "Oh, yes I am Omi-Omi!" the blonde boy said excitedly. Atsumu was excited about his date, after all, the two rarely ever did since they lived far from each other. They rarely got to see each other in person. Out of habit, Atsumu ruffled up Kiyoomi's hair without thinking, but almost immediately reeled back.

       "Sorry, Omi-Omi, I didn't mean to do that..." Sakusa looked at the boy in front of him, a disappointed and sad expression on his face. He didn't really like all, but he was fine with Atsumu, and seeing him apologizing for simply being happy broke his heart.

       "Don't worry about it, Atsu." He wrapped Atsumu in a white woolen scarf and handed him a pair of gloves. "Now then, let's go."

. . . . . . .

       "Omi-Omi, this is so pretty!" Atsumu was looking at the sparkling icicles hanging from the trees, they were glittering like stars. The date that Sakusa had planned with Atsumu was for them to go to the park and enjoy the beautiful sights of winter, to get dinner, and go home to enjoy a cozy winter night. 

       "They really are, but not as pretty as you," Kiyoo said with a smile. Atsumu looked at Sakusa with wide eyes.

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       "Omi-Omi you can't just way that and expect me not to panic," Atsumu pouted as he admired his boyfriend. They were standing in line as they waited for their turn to order dinner.

       "Haha, I know, but it's cute," the boy with the wavy black hair laughed. As the two waited for food, Atsumu tried to warm up his hands by blowing into them. He had worn the gloves his boyfriend had given him, but his hands still ended up freezing, and he was having a lot of trouble warming his hands again.

       Sakusa must have seen that Atsumu's hands were cold because he nudged his head in the direction of the blonde boy's hands, and Atsumu nodded. Kiyoomi placed Atsumu's left glove back on, removed his own left glove, and held Atsumu's right hand. And if you spoke to Atsumu right then and there, Atsumu would've told you he was in heaven.

       "Omi-Omi, you don't have told my hand," Atsumu said, his eyes shining, "my hands will be fine, don't worry about it." But Sakusa didn't seem to care.

       "Eh, I'll be fine, you're the one I'm worried about."

       "But Omi-Omi-"

       "Plus, I just wanted to hold your hand." Atsumu felt the greatest he had felt in a while, he fell in love all over again.

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       "Atsu, finish your food," Sakusa grumbled as he nudged his hand toward the unfinished bowl of fried rice, "at least just eat a bit more." Atsumu rolled his eyes as he continued to eat. The couple had managed to get their food and were back at Atsumu's place where Kiyoomi would be spending the night. 

       "I know that Omi, you don't have to remind me." Atsumu finished his meal and placed his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, and was happy when he felt that Kiyoomi didn't tense up at all (like he used to do). Sakusa held out his hand for Atsu to hold, which Atsumu did.

       "Who are you and what did you do to my boyfriend?" the slightly shorter boy joked. The ebony-haired boy chuckled.

       "What? Am I not allowed to give my boyfriend affection?" Sakusa replied, and Atsumu shook his head.

       "No, I'm not saying you can't do this," he said, "it's just different. I never saw this side of you before." Kiyo put his chopsticks down and faced Atsumu directly, and kissed him on the forehead.

      "I know, Atsu," Sakusa said, holding both of Atsumu's hands, "and I'm sorry about that, which is why I'm trying to get better, for you. But it's going to be a while to get better, so I hope you can w-"

      "Omi-Omi, I'll be here to wait as long as you need it," Atsumu interjected, "I'm willing to wait for you because I love you. Take as long as you need Kiyoo, because I'll still be here with you." Kiyoomi stared at his boyfriend, his eyes wide.

      "Are you sure you can wait?" And Atsumu nodded. Sakusa smiled as he kissed Atsu on the lips and the hands. 

      "Thank you, love," he said, "I'll stay with you too, I promise."

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