Aggie was all over Janel. I wasn't sure if Janel knew it or just thought she was being a friendly, bouncy girl friend.
But I could tell.
I saw Aggie pull something small out of her pocket and show it to Janel as they danced.
Janel looked back at me. I watched carefully what was going on, and as much as I wanted to rush over and see what was up, I didn't go. I knew Janel could take care of herself.
Janel took the small object in her hand and gave Aggie the "hold on" signal.
She walked straight back to our table.
I pretended I hadn't been paying attention.
Janel got to the table and sat next to me. "Nice try, Ian", she said with a smirk.
"What??" I asked, suprised.
"Acting like you weren't watching me like a hawk just then. I don't mind, Ian. I like being protected by you. And you didn't come over to us....because you trust my judgement. I like the freedom you give me, too", she smiled and leaned in for a quick kiss.
"Dammit Janel. I'll never put anything past you! What's up babe? What is that you've got? It's killing me." I told her.
Aggie said it's ecstasy. She said I could have it if I wanted. I told her I'd see what you said first, cause you know about this stuff. She probably took hers already", she said as she looked out at Aggie dancing next to Michelle and Brian.
I looked the pill over. Yep. It was E.
"I don't know what to tell you Janel. I can be a bad time sometimes...or it can be good. If you think you wanna do it, I won't stop you...but I took it once. I won't ever try it again. It was fun...but my heart was beating really hard and I kinda felt nauseous and after it wore off I felt like shit for a day or two.....I'd be happy if you didn't take it, but I won't be mad if you do." I told her.
"What if I took half?" Janel asked. I could tell she wanted to live a little and try it.
"Try half. That's a good idea." I told her.
"Will you watch me? Take care of me?" She asked.
"Don't I ALWAYS, babe?" I responded.
"Yep! You do. Just making sure." She said.
She handed it to me to break in half and she downed it with a sip of my drink.
"I'm nervous!" she stated.
"You'll be fine, love" I reassured her.
She gave me one more kiss and went back to Aggie.
I put the other half of the pill and stuffed it into a napkin and crunched it up for trash.
She'd start feeling it in maybe a half hour or more. Hopefully this would be fine.
I went back to the manly conversation I was missing with Mark, Andrew and Stephen.


I was nervous about taking a drug, but if Ian said I could, then I guess it couldn't be that bad, right? Or was he just letting me live and learn? I don't know. I hoped everything would be ok.
I danced with Aggie for a long time. Song after song after song. Till we got thirsty and went back to the table. I'd noticed that she hung all over me a lot. More than Michelle does. Like, more than normal girly behavior. And then I remembered what Ian told me, that she's bisexual. So....did that mean she was attracted to me?? This life can be SO. Confusing! I'll just dance and have fun and be friendly. I like Aggie. She's wild and crazy and animated and a lot of fun.
Ian had me drink a water, instead of the drinks I was drinking. He knows best, so I didn't argue.
Aggie got done her drink and pulled me up again. I quick kissed Ian again, before getting dragged off, AGAIN. Whew. I was still sweaty from dancing before! But it was fun.
We danced for a long time. It had been about 45 minutes since I took that pill. I wasn't sure if it was working or not. But I thought I was feeling sorta good about now. Like, carefree. I told Michelle I'd taken a pill, so I'm sorry if I do anything weird. She told me she could already tell because I was hugging her as I told her that. I laughed and said sorry, then turned to Aggie, but I caught Brian out of the corner of my eye, and decided he needed a hug. He laughed as I gave him a lonnnnnnng hug, rocking with the music. Aggie tore me away, and said "Mine!!" to Brian.
Michelle and Brian were laughing. Probably at me, instead of with me.
We danced more, and I started to notice that the colored club lights were like.....REALLY pretty. Like, REALLY pretty. And they moved with the music. And the music...I could feel it in my soul. Inside my body. I told Aggie this, and she was like "I know, right!??? It's fucking beautiful!!!! Give me love!" and she pulled me into a big hug.
We danced like that for a while. Just hugging and swaying.
Her neck smelled really good. I told her so. She said it would taste even better.
So I licked it. "I don't taste anything?" I told her.
"Try it again.....lick it like it's a dick!" she laughed and said.
"A dick neck?" I cracked up. She cracked up.
She pulled me into a hug again, and I did what she said. I licked her neck like I was licking Ian's penis. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Aggie's head fell back like Ian's does sometimes when we're messing around.
I licked it more. All over. It REALLY smelled good. And the music REALLY was inside of me.
I just felt......happy.
Aggie's hands were rubbing all over my body outside my clothes as we swayed on the dance floor.
And then her hands were under my shirt. How did THAT happen? But it felt really really good. entire body felt really really good.
I didn't have a bra on, because the shirt I had on didn't need one. So now her hands were right on my boobs. I felt my nipples harden under her palms. My nipples hardening gave me a ripple of tingles from my boobs, and spread out up my chest and through my neck, and to my spine, and downwards, into my legs. It was soooooo weird!
She felt my newly hardened nipples between her fingers and she lowered her head down to my neck.
She kissed it like I'd kissed her neck.
Every touch was like......sparkley tingles, that rippled like a rock thrown into water, across my entire body! It was really strange. But REALLY cool. I'd never felt anything like it.
I suddenly was the drug doing this to me! Because not even Ian had ever made me feel like THIS! And if HE couldn't do this to me, then it wasn't natural.
As we swayed and she kissed my neck, with her hands still under my shirt on my boobs, I turned us slowly, so I could look at Ian because my back was to him.
I finally turned us enough and saw him. Of course, he was watching me. But he seemed to glow under the colored lights. And his hair....was soooooo........pretty! And I swear, he had a halo above his head. I swear he did. I even rubbed my eyes a few times, trying to focus better. There was a halo above him. Like, translucent. Almost clear. But I saw it. Drugs are weird! Or, he was my angel sent from above, to save my life. GIVE me life. I didn't know which. So I just shook it off.
I smiled at him, and he waved to me and smiled and shook his head.
I suddenly had the urge to be near him.
I told Aggie I needed to feel Ian. She said "let's go then".
So we skipped over to him and I sat on his lap. Aggie grabbed the leg of his chair, and pulled it out more, and pulled Ian's leg out from under me, so I was just sitting on his one leg.
She sat on his other leg.
"Ian honey darling! You look pretty! Group hug!" Aggie said cheerfully.
He laughed and shook his head at me and went along with it.
"You should take the other half of that pill!" I told Ian.
"No thanks. I'm good. I'm having fun watching you two sluts." he joked.
Aggie laughed and looked at me. "Sluts? He hasn't seen anything yet!"
She leaned across Ian's lap and kissed me on the lips.
Again with the tingles across my entire body. I kissed her back, and it was a nice, long kiss. I opened my eyes, and I noticed Ian's face RIGHT. THERE. by us.
I stopped kissing Aggie and started laughing. "Having fun?" I asked Ian.
"Quite a bit, yeah!" he smiled with eyebrows raised high.
Aggie told me to kiss Ian. I had no problem with I did.
OH. MY. GOD. He felt fucking GOOD! The tingles were sooooooooo intense.
Next thing I knew, Aggie's face came into our little kissy area, and then....there were three???
Aggie was kissing us both, as we kissed eachother.
And it was strange. And it was lovely!
And I moved from Ian's lips to Aggies, and back again. And Ian moved from my lips to Aggies, and back again. And Aggie moved from my lips to Ian's lips and back again. And it was just.....a communal kiss. I felt.....connected to them both. Like....we were all part of this Earth....all connected. All close.....I couldn't explain it.
Aggie stopped kissing us, and got up. She pulled Mark's chair out from behind him, and sat on HIS lap now and started kissing him.
And then she chair hopped to Andrew's chair, and kissed him for a little bit.
Isn't she friendly? I laughed to myself, and Ian noticed. "What's so funny?", he asked.
"I don't know! Ha he hehee! I think Aggie's really....friendly." I said.
"Ahh. Friendly. Yes. VERY friendly." Ian said, looking amused at me.
I stopped watching her, and kissed Ian to get his attention. He turned right to me, and kissed me back. His hands wandered around, and then up the bottom of my shirt, and then Aggie was suddenly back, saying "MINE!!!" as she pulled me off of Ian.
She leaned down and kissed Ian for a few seconds, then straightened up and kissed me.
Then dragged me back to the dance floor again, saying "this is my JAM!!!!" about the new song that came on.

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