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1 year later

Team Voltron was at a party for a very special occasion. Everyone sat at a table wearing suits and dresses. Shiro got up from his seat next to Adam and gathered everyone's attention."Good Evening. I'd like to thank everyone for coming for Team Voltron's 5 year anniversary. This day is a special day for all of us and I'd like to thank those who helped us on our missions." The crowd of agents clapped and Shiro continued,"I also would like to pay our respect for those who have fallen in battle." Everyone nodded sadly and took a moment of sadness. "They were true heros. I'd like to thank Allura and Alfor for helping me form a team to help shape Altea into the city it is today." Allura and Alfor stood up and bowed. "I'd also like to thank Pidge, Lance, Hunk, and Keith for joining in on our cause." They also stood up and smiled. Shiro took Adams hand,"I'd also like to thank this amazing man for saying yes to be my fiancé." The crowd erupted into cheers, gaping at the two and Adam's small yet beautiful ring. "Thank you all for coming tonight and had a good rest of your evening." 

Keith looked around the ballroom. Lance had went to the bathroom and Pidge and Hunk were at the food table. Allura was wearing a long pink dress and laughing and talking to Romelle, who was wearing a short cyan dress. Shiro and Adam were dancing together, people congratulating  them on their engagement. Anne was giggling and talking to another guy. Keith stepped outside and leaned on the metal rail. He looked up at the stars and smiled. Red was wearing a bow tie and jumped on his shoulder, Blue coming up behind him. Blue nuzzled his cheek on Red's and Red licked his cheek. Lance came from behind and wrapped him arms around Keith, kissing the nape of his neck. Keith giggled,"Hey." Lance murmured,"Hey. Are you enjoying yourself tonight?" Keith nodded,"Well yeah. We've been in Team Voltron for 5 years now. And we're together, so I'm really happy right now." Lance grinned,"I'm glad you're glad." Keith turned around to face him and Lance looked up at him,"What." Keith frowned,"Are you okay? I can tell when you're a upset and you seem worried." Lance laughed dryly,"You always surprise me. I-I'm fine." Keith raised his eyebrow,"Lance, remember what I said? You can always talk to me." Lance buried his face in Keith's chest,"I'm worried. What will happen after Team Voltron? Will we just become old and die together? Will Altea become a better place because of us? What if it doesn't? What is something happened to me?" Lance started shaking,"What if something happened to you?" Keith kissed his hair,"Lance, that won't happen. Because I've got your back and you've got mine. We have each other and nothing will stop that. Nothing." Lance smiled happily, his worrying gone.

"You're right. Tonight, we'll enjoy ourselves." Keith grinned at him,"Exactly." Lance hummed,"What do you think Fate has in store for us?" Suddenly, Keith grabbed Lance by the waist and kissed him passionately. He separated from him and looked up at the stars, smirking.

"Why don't we let our story decide that for themselves?" Lance nodded,"Yeah, let's do just that. It's out own fate. And I want to be together with you forever." Keith looked at him,"Forever is a long time." Lance hummed and kissed his boyfriend,"Yeah, I know. It'll be so worth it."

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