The Dinner Party

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Remember this is happening during Keith and Lance's dance. Also no this isn't Punk.


Pidge paced around the room waiting for Allura to give her her outfit for the dinner party. Her orders were to keep and eye on the others, and looking out for Lotor. She tapped her foot impatiently. The door opened and Allura held a white bag. "Pidge! I have your outfit ready!" Pidge sighed a breathe of relief and took the bag. She stared opening it when Allura stopped her.

"Wait! Before you open it I have to tell you something. I know you don't like wearing dresses and I would have given you a suit and I will if you don't like the dress, but I think you will." Pidge raised her eyebrow at Allura, but opened the bag. She gasped.

Pidge had tears in her eyes

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Pidge had tears in her eyes. " did you get this?" Allura smiled happily. "I asked your mom if she had any dresses for you when you were younger. For the mission of course, and she said they wouldn't fit you, so she gave me this. She said it was special, may I ask what for?" Pidge looked at the dress and sighed happily. "This dress was the dress my mom wore when she went on her first date with my dad. She would tell Matt and I the story many times and show us the dress. She loved dad so much before he passed." Allura put her hand on Pidge's shoulder. "Do you want to wear it?"

"Do I?" Pidge ran into the closet and shut the door as Allura chuckled. When she came out, she was wearing some matching green boots.

Allura laughed as she grabbed a brush and quickly brushed Pidge's ruffled up short hair

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Allura laughed as she grabbed a brush and quickly brushed Pidge's ruffled up short hair. Pidge went to her drawer and got some glasses, similar to her regular ones, but with a gold frame. Then Green walked up to her and pawed her leg. "Here." Pidge saw Green nudge a gold leaf hairpin they both worked on together. It was basically the same as Keith's dragon hairpiece and changed to a knife when pressed on a button. Pidge smiled and put it in her hair. "Kay, I'm ready!"

Pidge ran down the stairs and saw Hunk. He wore a gray suit with a yellow vest. Yellow purred happily when he saw his friends.

"I thought you were gonna wear that yellow suit your mom made you?"Pidge exclaimed

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"I thought you were gonna wear that yellow suit your mom made you?"Pidge exclaimed. Hunk laughed,"Well I was, but we can't stand out and I'll look like a banana in the crowed." Yellow stared drooling at the word banana. "Let's go then!"

Time skip-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pidge jumped out of the limo and entered the building. Hunk was right behind her ready for the dinner party. They looked around. Nobody looked like Lotor, so they moved to the food table. Hunk looked around suspiciously while grabbing a huge plate and started serving himself.

"Hunk! We are here on a mission we can't distract ourselves with-is that pizza?" Pidge gave in and grabbed a plate herself. She went to the table in the far end and Hunk sat next to her looking around. The table they were sitting in gave then a view of the entire room.

 The table they were sitting in gave then a view of the entire room

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Hunk looked around while Pidge looked at her watch under the table. They was two dots about three miles away from them on their right. Red and Blue. This meant Keith and Lance arrived at their party already. She looked at the dots on their left about five miles away from them. Black and Pink. This meant Allura and Shiro are at their partys too. Lastly, Yellow and Green for themselves. She saw the Yellow dot get farther away from the green dot. Pidge looked up and saw Hunk was gone. "Hunk!" She whisper-yelled. He got up from her table and looked around the entire room. Hunk was at the food table serving himself some more food. Pidge ran to him.

"Hunk! You're supposed to stay with me." Hunk looked at her guiltily, his mouth full of cake. 

"Sowwy PIdgeon, I'm Hungwy." Pidge scrunched her face in disgust. "Hunk eat then talk." She looked at her watch again. Pidge had put trackers in everyone's disguises when she could. Hunk leaned over her shoulder. "When did you put a tracker in my tie? I had a eye on that thing all day." Pidge smirked and answered proudly,"It wasn't me, it was Green." Hunk nodded as he understood.

Beep Beep Beep.

Pidge worriedly looked at her watch. The red and blue dot was moving towards them. Pidge's eyes widened. She put a tracker on Keith's hairpiece and one in Lance's tie, so she could tell their movements. She looked at the pink and black dot. Something was going on there too. She had put a tracker in Allura's necklace and in Shiro's earpiece. 

The red and blue dot got closer and closer. She heard footsteps from outside. She looked up and at the window. Keith and Lance were passing by, chasing some guy that looked exactly like Lotor. Pidge grabbed Hunk's hand and smirked. Hunk yelped as his food was thrown away. 

Pidge ran outside and went next to Keith and Lance. 
"Hey guys" The boys yelped as they heard Pidge's voice. Lance grinned and his face brightened."Pidge,Hunk! Ya'll are here! Lotor is-"

"Yeah yeah we know, let's just get him."

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