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Lance was sitting on the couch as everyone surrounded him. "What do you mean you can't remember anything,  you said my name!" Keith said, raising his hands in bewilderment. Lance had a worried expression,"I know! I remember Keith, but I don't know who you guys are or where am I!" The paladins wore concerned expressions. Lance seemed to feel bad.

"I think I know what's going on. Lance, stand up and tell me what you do remember." Lance stood up from his seat and focused. " Hmm, I remember Keith and I know my name is Lance McClain, I'm 23 and I know how to read and write and speak in general. That's all." Pidge nodded, grabbed a handful of Lance's hair, and pulled him towards her height. Lance yelped as Pidge brushed hair from behind the nape of Lance's neck. "Just as I thought, something happened to you or you got injected by something. Look at this mark, you got shot." Pidge grabbed a injector and slowly put it in Lance's neck. She took out a little bit of blood and let him go. "Owwiee, what was that for?" Pidge put the vial of blood in her pocket. "I needed a sample to see what were you injected with. What made you lose your memories."

A few hours later, Pidge came out of her lab, while everyone was waiting for her. "Guys, this was obviously the galra's work. It's pressed quintessance. When they injected it into Lance, which I imagine they did during a mission, and that made Lance forget. It took a while for it to almost fully spread out, since it's a new substance, but eventually it blocked his memories from us." Keith raised his eyebrow,"What do you mean almost fully spread out and is there a way to reverse this?" Pidge fixed her glasses,"I mean almost because he still remembers you. I think that's because he saw you first after his fainting spell, so the brain remembered then forgot everyone else. Because of that, we still have a chance but I need help building something. I need to create a way to combine two minds, so we can save Lance who's still in there, lost. I need someone who can engineer." Hunk raised hsi hand sheepishly,"I know engineering thanks to my dad. Mom taught me cooking." Pidge grinned,"Then let's get to it. I really need something like a pod, think you can do it?" Hunk nodded.

After almost a day, Hunk and Pidge presented their biggest masterpiece yet. Hunk revealed two pods and Pidge went on her computer, turning them on. Blue lights shone and Pidge connected the systems. "Kay, so who's gonna go in with Lance and save him from his brain. We need someone who can pull Lance out of his reality."

"I'll do it."

Everyone turned to look at Keith. "He remembers me and I hope he's comfortable with that. Right, Lance?" Lance nodded and frowned,"I'm sorry, but yeah I feel fine with Keith saving me in my brain, but I don't remember you guys. Sorry..." They nodded sadly,"We understand, no get in the pod. Keith you will visit his different stages in his life. First, when he was a kid. Second, teen years maybe High school. Third, present time. Fourth will be a bit hard, this is the future he doesn't want or he's scared of. Fifth is the future he wants, or what he wishes." Lance seemed to panic when the future he wants and doesn't want was mentioned. He remembered Keith and his crush on him, but not how they met or the moments they had together. He just knew he had feelings for him. The future he wanted....what was it? And what was the future he didn't want?

𝘈𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘝𝘰𝘭𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯 //𝘒𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦//Where stories live. Discover now