Arc 1 Chapter 18: The Underworld Boss

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Diyu: "After today's events and last weeks break in, it would be better to stick together tonight."

"Oh..." Chen Yanyan would find this believable if the other man hadn't hired someone to "break in" before, now he couldn't take such words seriously.

Still he couldn't reject Diyu's proposition under such a basis, besides it was his goal to get closer to the target rather then further, like this he could simply agree.

Chen Yanyan made his decision. "Alright."

"Really...?" Diyu seemed slightly surprised to hear Chen Yanyan's easy submission, it was as if he hadn't expected such an outcome.

Hearing this Chen Yanyan felt slightly awkward. "Does he not actually want me to stay up here?"

System 0: "Perhaps he's too indecisive?"

"If that's how it is then I'll simply fall asleep before he has a chance to change his mind." Without responding Chen Yanyan quickly laid down and turned his back to Diyu, he closed his eyes and laid under the blankets as if he was about to fall asleep.

*pitter *patter

The room once again returned to silence, with only the soft sound of rain beating against the house. 

Suddenly as Chen Yanyan laid with his eyes closed he couldn't help but feel a little awkward, he couldn't recall a time he slept in the bed with another.

Moreover why was it so quiet? He never heard Diyu move, was the other man simply staring at him?

"Is he watching me?" Chen Yanyan nervously asked.

System 0: "Yes, he's staring right at you, unblinking-"

Chen Yanyan: "What-"

System 0: "No, of course not. Host should get some sleep and stop worrying, If you're not quiet I won't be able to get good sleep either."

Chen Yanyan ignored the Systems words as he grew cross. "You've already slept enough today."

"*Sigh." The System was slightly grumpy from needing more sleep, but it knew it had to act nicer to calm it's host down. 

System 0: "Just think of this like a... hmmm, what do you humans call it? Oh yes, a sleepover. If you really can't sleep shall I sing you a lullaby?"

Chen Yanyan was surprised to hear the System's suggestion. "Really?"

Sysetm 0: "tWinKLe TwINkle Little sTaR-"

Chen Yanyan: "Nevermind! Nevermind! I'll get to sleep on my own!"

Now it was the Systems turn to grow cross: "Hmph, it wasn't that bad..."

Chen Yanyan: "It's fine I don't feel as tense now, I think I can sleep easy as long as you DON'T sing again!"

System 0: "Humph good! I hope host sleeps good, so good you don't wake up for a long time!"

Like this Chen Yanyan's mind turned silent again, the System decided to try and sleep while Chen Yanyan no longer outwardly thought, this time his mind grew peaceful and his eyes stayed closed.

It wasn't long before Chen Yanyan actually fell asleep on the bed.

"This man is truly something..." Diyu who hadn't made a move looked at him strangely before he got up and walked towards the balcony.

Although he had just tried to test the man, Chen Yanyan still passed with flying colors...

For who else would willing sleep beside him, and fall asleep instantly?

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