Arc 1 Chapter 17: The Underworld Boss

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While Chen Yanyan sat in the warm bath he couldn't help but think of his stupid misunderstanding of "warm up."

It was this stupid world that suddenly twisted his comprehension of the normal!

If it hadn't been for this world and Chen Yanyan's role to make the target fall in love he wouldn't have thought anything of such words, now his perception was warped.

Of course Diyu wouldn't think about those types of things, Chen Yanyan felt silly for thinking such. Just because he was in this type of world it didn't make everyone gay.

Chen Yanyan: "Oh..."

Suddenly he realized another problem.

It's not like this was a gay world or anything, if Diyu wasn't a gay man then how would he sway the favorability?!

You couldn't just get a straight man to bend, moreover he had barely managed to get to the 50% mark, now how was he supposed to progress to 100%?

And he only had two weeks left...

Things weren't looking bright.

Chen Yanyan had but one answer to this, he was certain if he continued to show his loyalty it would help him gain some advantage.

Like this he formed a plan of counterattack.


After Chen Yanyan finished bathing he carefully  got up on his one decent leg and maneuvered for a towel, he saw a pile to the far right in a shelf.

Grabbing one he carefully covered himself before looking around, he looked down at his wet clothes wondering what to do.

Of course he had a spare change of dry clothes, he had been at Diyu's for a week now so the other man had given him a few extra shirts and pants, but those clothes were now downstairs in the room he was using. 

He couldn't simply walk down the stairs with his broken leg, and he certainly didn't want to be carried down in a towel.

Just as he thought this a knock suddenly echoed out in the bathroom

Chen Yanyan: "Yes?"

"I'm coming in." Without much warning Diyu walked in, for a second Chen Yanyan thought to reprimand the man for coming in so soon but quickly he remembered they were both men. He knew he was simply being too conscious.

As Diyu stepped in he now wore a black bath robe, it seemed he had changed out of his soaking clothes.

"I brought you change of clothes." Diyu quickly handed over a spare change of light clothing. They were clean but as Chen Yanyan looked at them they weren't the one's he had been using.

"Ah could these be Diyu's?" Chen Yanyan lightly thought. 

Diyu: "Quickly change into these and after I'll help you out of the bathroom."

Without giving Chen Yanyan a chance to respond he once again stepped out of the room and closed the door.

Not knowing when the man would suddenly come in again Chen Yanyan quickly changed. Whether he was being too conscious or not, even if they were both men he didn't plan on being seen naked by the target he was trying to seduce.

 After he finished changing he lightly called out. "I'm finished."

Hearing this it only took a few seconds before Diyu once again stepped in. 

"You don't have to piggy back me this time, just support me and I can hop out." Although Chen Yanyan wasn't sure how Diyu would react to being ordered around, Diyu did as he said and supported his arm enabling Chen Yanyan to limp out of the steaming room.

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