Arc 1 Chapter 3: The Underworld Boss

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The man's strong hand tightly gripped around his neck!

Although Chen Yanyan was strong too, he couldn't do anything to fight back as one arm was tightly chained to the hospital bed while the other one was held by Diyu's strong grip to ensure he did nothing.

Chen Yanyan began to feel the air slowly drain from his body as he viciously wanted to choke out.

Once again it felt like he was at death's door!

"System! System!" Chen Yanyan desperately began to call out into his mind.

No response came...

Chen Yanyan: "That stupid System!"

All was silent while Chen Yanyan found his mind growing foggy, the only thoughts he held were curses for the slumbering little system, after all it was peacefully sleeping while he went through this cruel torture!

Just as he planned to pull back and blindly punch the man with his one good hand, he found the hand tightly wrapped around his neck suddenly loosen.

Diyu once again whispered in his ear. "My my, can't have you dying just yet."

Chen Yanyan immediately caught his breath as he desperately gasped in air.

Diyu: "No no, not after having miraculously survived a deadly car wreck... Yes a quick death would be much too simple."

The last words sent shivers down Chen Yanyan's spine as he faced the merciless man, every second that passed he felt closer and closer to an impending death.

How could he escape?

How could he live?!

The man wanted to kill his so what could he do!?!

His mind spun a thousand thoughts a second as he sought for an answer.

The stupid system wouldn't help him or even respond, he was alone, all alone.

He had to think up a solution on his own and quick or he would truly die, not only in this world but also in his own...

Chen Yanyan began to rigorously think. "Could I simply feign complete amnesia? Is that even an option...?"

No he couldn't be certain. 

The system had already warned him about going OOC, so he couldn't be sure if feigning amnesia would interfere with his character and immediately make him fail the mission. 

The one he wished to ask about such things was fast asleep!

If he did and it was the wrong choice it would mean instant death.

Even if he could feign amnesia, he wasn't sure he could pull it off, which again would result in instant death...

He couldn't risk such a thing.

This was his only chance at second life.

With this Chen Yanyan decided to completely forget about such an option as he continued to think over other ideas in his limited time.

Chen yanyan: "Should I apologize and plead for forgiveness?" 

No, he already knew he couldn't admit to such crimes, from the memories he received Diyu absolutely despised betrayers.

The moment he admitted or even attempted to apologize to betraying the man, he was toast.

He couldn't simply act apologetic or even acknowledge his wrong-doings, such things would simply quicken his death.

"If only the original Chen Yanyan hadn't betrayed Diyu! If only I had a re-do!" Too bad such an option was impossible... or was it? 

It was at this moment that Chen Yanyan had a thought, he realized there could be a solution to his problems that wouldn't interfere too much with his character and almost absolutely let him live.

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