'You better make it a big one' Jacob said, I laughed and nodded. The car door opened and a man stepped out, he looked exactly like Uncle Samuel but instead of dirty blonde hair his one was a really dark brown.'Adie...are you still there?'

'Yup' I answered, eying the guy. 'Jake, I have to go, love you'

'Love you' and with that I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket. The man grinned at me in an admiringly way. I smiled back at him and he pulled me into a hug,catching me completely off guard. We pulled away and just stared at each other.

'I wish my mother was here' I said, looking up at my father. 'So she can complete this moment' My father nodded and smiled, pressing his hands to each sides of my face.

'I just had to see you in person' Dad smiled. 'To make sure that I wasn't dreaming'

'What took you so long?' I asked, tears rolling down my face. 'We waited for you and you never came back' I remember on Christmas Night how my mother would sit up all night, she'd say that she didn't want to miss out on a TV show but I always knew that it was Dad she was waiting for, and now she's gone.

'I'm sorry, Adie' Dad said, pulling me into another hug. 'I know it's not enough but I'm here now'

I buried my face in his chest, hoping this would last forever. I must've been crying for a while because the sky was starting to get darker. 'Can I ask you a question?' I asked, I've been thinking about my mother again.

'You can ask me anything, Adrienne' Dad answered. 'Remember that'

I bit my lip. I wasn't so sure about this question. 'Did my mother have an affinity for earth?' Dad looked away, up at the sky as if it was my mother he was looking at. I wasn't going to leave until I got my answer.

'Yes..' Dad answered. I gasped, what took me so long to figure that out?-She was always into large grass areas, gardening-and the flowers she planted never died-our front yard was the envy of all the other neighbours who tried to do the same thing. 

'Why didn't she ever tell me?' I asked, holding onto his hand, his hand was so warm.

'I don't know' Dad frowned. 'I thought she would've told you-When your mother and I met, it was when her father came to visit from the Earth Kingdom, he brought your mother with him, It was like love at first sight. Her father came to make peace with mine but when our fathers found out about us-this was years after we met and your mother fell pregnant with you-So your mother and her mother fled the Earth Kingdom to live in the human world, leaving me and Samuel-little did I know that your mother had a small fling with Samuel-nothing sexual-I was forced to marry Cole's mother because Samuel ran away to the Spirit Land, Cole's mother ran away after Cole was born and Sam returned when my father died to claim his place on the throne but the kingdom voted for me and Sam didn't like that so he had me captured and promised the king of Spirit Land-whom he was in debt to-that when he found you, he'll have you marry his son, Ryan'

My eyes widened. 'Why was Sam in debt to the king of Spirit Land?'

'Well, when Sam fled the Fire Nation, he had nothing-he had to work his way back to the top-and the king gave him all that so in return, Sam promised him-you' Dad explained, tucking my hair behind me ears.

'And Elizabeth?' 

Dad chuckled. 'Elizabeth she's a spirit user, but she's extremely rare, she can paralyse you, drag your spirit out of your body for as long as she wants to-kill you even-I've seen it done, it's not exactly painless. Elizabeth is in fact the daughter of Sam, I'm not entirely sure who her mother is but all I'm sure about is that she was a commoner from the Spirit Land'

This is it, Adrienne. You must ask or you'll never know. I needed to know this, in order for me to know I could perform it myself. 'Do you think that...that I can bring my mum back-from the dead?'

Dad contemplated this and sighed. 'I don't know-'

'You must!' I shouted, interrupting him, my tears spilling down. 'You have to!-Because I'm sick and tired of people telling me that they don't know, Just tell me something I can feed off of, that I can use and make it into something possible-Because I'm useless and putting up curtains, and only Mum knew which ones that I liked and which brand of soap I liked my clothes to be washed with, please, just tell me something!'

'Adrienne, calm down' Dad pleaded, getting out a tissue and dabbing at my face. 'I'll think of something, I promise'

'Do you?' I sobbed. 'Do you really mean it?-Don't make it if you're not going to mean it'

'I don't make promises that I can't keep' Dad said, hugging me. 'I promised myself that I'd find you-and I have, haven't I?'

'Yes' I cried into his jacket. 'You have'

If You haven't read Chapter thirteen, you can read it now. I'd deleted it and re-uploaded and just realized that the chapters need to be re-titled. I think Adrienne is sooo pretty, I need to stop putting up pictures of Barbara Palvin-Adrienne-but she's just so pretty.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes, you're awesome!!!!! I have uploaded the first chapter of my new story The Ghost Girl, Living In My Room...Thanks to those who have already voted and commented, if you haven't read it yet-please do!! :) Thanks!

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