Chapter - 23

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"Jeon Jungkook..."

"Amature mistakes..."

"...Jimin hyung is sick that's why I came to visit..."

Mihyun splashed the water on her face. Unable to calm her mind down as her heart kept fighting out of her chest. Her hands clutched on the marble basin, knuckles turning white as the pressure increases.

None of this was a coincidence. It was all his plan. She remembered Jimin saying this,

"The file isn't in my bag..."

"...he sure does know a lot about flowers..."

She should've placed these together. She should've known. Again, another mistake. Someone else's life in line. She should've stopped him.

Mihyun walked out of the ladies room and ran her fingers through her hair out of frustration. Jungkook didn't leave the party yet. He didn't leave through the exit as Yoongi's driver is still outside and he didn't see him leaving. But where is he? She needed to find him soon. She needed answers.

"Nice to meet you sir..."

"I've seen you somewhere hyung...maybe on TV?"

She realizes this now. Jungkook knew Seokjin back in Busan. He knew who was investigating his case and it was another part of his plan. To keep an eye on the people who are after him. Always staying one step ahead. Always guessing their next move before doing anything.

She checked the dance floor again. Not here either. The other boys are still chatting with each other oblivious to the fact what's going on. She can't tell them yet. She needs to confirm herself.

Although it all makes sense, she still can't believe it.

" get in there to know..."

He bugged her phone. That's how he knew who the police warned beforehand. That's how he changed his victim. Again, getting away with what he's been doing.

She feels a tug on her wrists and her instincts peek. Causing her to let out a startled yelp that died down under the blasting music. She was pulled into a dark corridor and 'not so surprisingly', pinned to the wall by someone.

She recognized the boy even in the dark. His hair falling all over his forehead, eyes locked into hers. Burning. She struggled to get her wrists undone but failed as she's not so competent around his built.

"Jungkook..." she called softly. "What are you doing?"

It's the fear. She felt herself getting scared of his gaze. The way his perfume wafted around the air. Alcohol and mint from his breath. His eyes softened. Frown left his face. The Kookie she knew was back.

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