Chapter - 2

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"KY Academy mourns the death of the Dean

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"KY Academy mourns the death of the Dean. His dead body was mysteriously found outside the girls hostel of the institute."

"Did you hear that?" Jimin's mouth fell open as he heard the news. He looks at Taehyung and then both of them looked at Mihyun who's casually sipping from her cup as if the Dean of her college died twice daily in front of her hostel like that and she's just used to that shit.

"What?" She now noticed the boys staring at her in disbelief so she let out a low chuckle nervously. "I mean I knew about this..." she shrugged.

"YOU WHAT?!" Jimin stood up and his eyes practically popping out of the sockets. "Why didn't you tell me about-" he stopped and realized something. "Oh my god! This is what the police was about this morning?"

Jungkook stood unbothered as he overheared their conversation and the news on the TV from where he's standing. A small smirk on his lips while he poured a shot for some customer in line. Attention fully given to what was going on around him.

She silently sipped on her cup again and saw Taehyung's hand reaching out for her. She pretended not to notice and let him do whatever he was about to do. Her stomach tightened as his warm hand caressed hers.

"You didn't have to see it, right?" His tone now worried and she was laughing in her head. Does he think she's that soft and can't handle a simple murder like this?

Awww...Taehyung, I feel so bad for lying.

"Ah...yeah kind of..." she whispered and saw his eyes saddening. He must be thinking how hard it was to witness it. Other girls passed out after seeing it and here she was acting to be scared and whatnot to get his sympathy quite pathetically.

"I really don't know what to say." Jimin sighed and flopped back down.

The news had a detailed description of the murder. How the dead body was found, how many wounds and what the police suspected of the time frame he died. It was all useless information unless they had any clear leads to who the killer was. These informations, they don't need a detective to figure out. It's all shown.

"Amateur mistakes..." Jungkook mumbled and that caught Mihyun's attention. Unintentionally, she locked eyes with the boy behind the counter for the second time today.

"Which school do you go to Jungkook?" She asked in a flat tone as if she's interrogating him. He shrugged.

"I'll be taking my entrance exams at the end of this year." He rested both his hands on the counter and didn't move his eyes until she felt uncomfortable herself and did it first. It's strangely annoying how he managed to do that.

"You guys are same age then?" Taehyung pointed out.

"I'm a freshman Tae..." she rolled her eyes.

"So what? You skipped a year in Highschool to get in our class anyways." Jimin was feeling nauseous just by thinking about what the news was showing. It's not helpful that they blurred certain areas. So he tried to stay quite after he blurt this one out.

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