Chapter - 14

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"Oppa?" Mihyun soft voice was heard above the beeping machines

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"Oppa?" Mihyun soft voice was heard above the beeping machines. The Doctor waited for Yoongi to open his eyes like her. Others are eager outside the cabin.

Yoongi flutters his eyes open but had to squint because of the sudden light exposure. Mihyun put a hand over his eyes and smiled a little. "Slowly..."

It was still a miracle that Yoongi was able to open his eyes. He's been completely paralyzed for the past 5 days and now is finally able to function on his own again. As he opened his eyes slowly again, he was met with the rough looking but smiling little sister of his.

"Mihyun..." he spoke.

"Yes oppa?" She paid attention to what he's saying.

"Are you hurt?... Did he hurt you?" He own voice was barely audible but Mihyun heard it just fine. He doesn't know how many days it's been. She held his hand and lightly squeezed to assure.

"Everything is fine oppa...just get well and make me steaks again..."

Hearing him laugh finally put the girl at ease. She's been craving to talk to him and see him nagging but she, for one slipping moment thought she lost all of it. She doesn't want to cry in front of him right now.

"I'm glad you're not having difficulties Mr. Min. Your sister has been really worried." The doctor smiled. "Please talk to him now. I'll be back to check later." Mihyun bowed to the doctor politely and watched him leave. She turned to Yoongi who's now staring at her now.

"What?" She took a seat next to the bed.

"What date is it?" He asked seriously.

"Um..." she knew he'd ask. "27th of the month..."

"What?!" His eyes shot opened and he looked around himself like he's too shocked to acknowledge that he's in a hospital.

"Calm down Min've scared my girl enough already..." Seokjin comes in followed by a worried looking Jimin.

"You again?" Yoongi scoffed. There, he's back at it.

"Yah! I thought you said thanks!" Seokjin accused with his finger while whining. Jimin rolled his eyes at the back. "I saved your ungrateful life!"

"Yeah well..." Yoongi shrugged and saw Mihyun burst in laughter. He smiled at the angry looking Seokjin who's ready to throw hands but was controlling himself because Yoongi's still a patient.

"You were here to say something important hyung..." Jimin nudged and took a seat himself. Seokjin cleared his throat before talking.

"Yes about that..." he handed a file to Mihyun. "You were right again. All of them are Korean Americans. Including your brother." He pointed on the file. "All of them were registered as Korean Citizens in 2005. Some even changed names. Some didn't. Like this woman..." he tapped on Lisa Martinez's picture. "She changed her name to Lee Lisa in 2006."

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