Chapter - 6

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Jungkook walked down the street as he was on his way to the cafe

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Jungkook walked down the street as he was on his way to the cafe. Black hoodie was hiding most of his face from people's sight. He liked it that way, liked to keep a low profile.

He stopped at a convenience store and put his hoodie down, leaning on the counter top in process. He asked the cashier for the yogurt pack he was here for, taking in his surroundings while he waits. The TV above his head was fixated on some news channel and there's only one hot topic. The dead body from yesterday.

"How scary can people get..." the cashier shook his head while handing Jungkook his pack. He's talking to himself like most other people he's passed on the street. He just paid for it and left without a word.

"Scarier than you can think, Ajusshi..." saying that to himself and making sure the man didn't hear him, he smirked and pulled his hoodie up again.

Small talk wasn't something he enjoyed. But he still interacted with people. Sometimes unnecessarily, with a plan of leaving bit and pieces of his presence here and there. It made his story easier and believable, in case someone asks.

But that's the only time he made himself present. Other times, he was like a shadow or just a random person not paying attention. If asked, no one would even remember his face among thousand others.

He saw a familiar car outside the cafe when he reached there. That's the car Taehyung gave him a ride on last night. And he knew exactly why it's here again today. But he'll pretend he doesn't.

He entered the cafe from the backdoor which is only for employees to use. And was certainly met with a happily humming Taehyung hunched over the coffee machine.

"Good morning hyung..." he beamed at the boy who was making coffee on the machine his utmost focus dedicated to the work until he shared some for Jungkook. He looked back and smiled.

"Good morning Kookie." He greeted.

He's too naive. Gave out genuine smiles and reassurance to people he should consider strangers. Trusted people faster than light. Not like Jungkook complained, it was still working in his favor.

"Are we open already?" Jungkook asked while putting his bag in the locker. It's 8:45 so they should be closed for another 15 minutes.

"No not yet. I was making coffee for Jimin and others. They're here with me." He poured the coffee into a mug and started to put his artwork on top.

Jimin and others...

It's not Mihyun alone. Someone else is here too.

As expected...

Jungkook took his oversized hoodie off and started to put on his uniform white shirt from the locker. Making sure to hide his arm well as he did so. Taehyung may not be paying attention his way but he better be careful not to expose himself too much.

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