Chapter 3

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The president of united states of America is inside his office watching the news on his Television, during the time while he is watching the news, the president sees people on national television complaining about the terrorist attacks that have been conducted by the Vietnam's terrorist group for quite a while now, then the reporter on the news gives the full story of what happened at US borders as the president watches the news,

"We are reporting live here in new Mexico, There have been so much shooting recently on new Mexico border this past week and many people have been killed while some are wounded and some the women living nearby the border have been raped by the Vietnam's terrorists who go by the name of NSIF"

After the president hears the NSIF name he then realize that the terrorist that are causing chaos at the US border are the same terrorists that the US government fought with three years ago while the US military soldiers were in the Vietnamese land protecting the people of Vietnam, then the president speaks to himself with so much grief on his face,

"Damn it, this Vietnamese NSIF terrorists haven't learned their lessons yet and now they got some nerve to come to the US borders and start some chaos to my US citizens, Okay let me teach them a valuable lesson this time that they will never forget"

Then the president goes to his office telephone and calls to the secretary of defense, after the secretary picks up his phone the president then speaks,


"Hello sir, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing great, what are you doing now secretary?

"Right now, I'm with the military general looking at the new military recruit's sir"

"Okay good, when you are done looking at the new recruits I would love to see you in my office at 5:00 o'clock in the evening"

"is there any problem sir?"

"We will talk about it when you arrive at my office"

"Okay sir"

The president then hangs up his telephone and calls one of his security guard to come to his office, when the security guard arrives at the president's office, he then gives him instructions,

"Listen, go and tell one of the white house maids that she must come and do some cleanliness around 3 pm because today I will be expecting a guest in my office, Okay?"

"Okay sir"

"Good!, Now you can go"

The security guard then leaves the president's office and the president continues with his normal duties inside his office.

Few hours have passed and It's 5 pm in the evening, the president of united states of America is at his office waiting for the secretary to arrive, during the time he is waiting his telephone rings and then the president picks up his phone and speaks,

"Hello!, who is speaking?"

The president's secretary replies, "it's me your secretary Sir, I just wanted to inform you that the secretary of defense have arrived here at the white house and he is waiting for you to allow him to get inside"

"Okay direct him to my office immediately

"Okay sir"

The presidents then hangs up his phone and waits for the secretary of defense to arrive at his office for the meeting, After a short during the time the president is waiting for the secretary of defense to arrive at his office, the secretary arrives and he gets inside the president's office, the president then welcome the secretary of defense, "welcome secretary"

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