Chapter 33- One Hell Of A Trip

Start from the beginning

Once I pressed 'send' I took my suitcase and went downstairs.

The smell of bacon and eggs hit me like a wave and I didn't realize how hungry I was until I saw the food on the table.

"Hey, Adam." I heard a muffled voice from next to me as I looked at my little sister that had her mouth stuffed with all the bacon.

I looked at my plate and saw that the bacon somehow magically disappeared.

"Anna, what did you do with my bacon?" I asked as nicely as I could as she swallowed and looked away, ignoring my question.

"Barbie and Ken ate it, they said you already eat a lot so you don't need it." she explained as I clenched my jaw and ate the eggs that were now missing the bacon.

She is my little sister after all, I can't do anything about it, it was just bacon so it's fine. Just like it's going to be fine when somehow Ben will randomly go for a walk and disappear.

"Honey, do you have everything?" asked my mom as I got up and helped her clean around the kitchen.

"Yeah, mom, don't worry about me, I'm not a kid anymore." I chuckled as she smiled a little and handed me some plates to put in the dishwasher.

Once I was done with everything I said goodbye to my mom and to Anna and rushed to my car to put everything in the back. As I was putting my suitcase away I heard a loud noise that came from- Emma's porch?

I turned around and made eye contact with the petite figure that was flat on her stomach with her suitcase next to her. I ran as fast as I could to help her out but when I offered her my hand she just started laughing which made me laugh too.

"Hey there, sugar cube." I said as I picked her up in my arms and kissed here as she gasped, not expecting me to pick her up.

"Again with the nicknames? You know I hate them." she mumbled shyly but I know that she loves them, her cheeks give her away.

"Your cheeks are as red as a strawberry, princess, so don't try lying because your face will always give you away." I whispered into her ear as her cheeks flushed even more.

"Hey, face, thought we had an agreement, no mare embarrassing me." She mumbled mostly to herself as she pouted.

"Let's get you and your-" as I said that I picked her suitcase up too and I noticed that it was heavier than mine.

"Princess, what did you put in here?" I asked curiously as she shrugged a little and looked away.

"Hoodies." She mumbled into my shoulder and I could tell that she has a smile on her face because she didn't have to carry this.

"This is gonna be one hell of a trip." I groaned as I tried balancing Emma and the suitcase at the same time so they won't fall.

"You know I can walk, right?" She asked as I rolled my eyes and put her down.

"Then, walk." I mumbled as I put her suitcase next to mine.

She got in the front seat without another word and I could just tell by her lack of words that she was mad at me now.

I entered the car and started the engine as she groaned.

"What?" I asked annoyed too by this point. I don't want to go on this fucking trip but I'm going only because of her.

"Nothing." She muttered as she turned her attention to the window. Yeah, the fucking window is so much more interesting than me, right?

It is currently 10 a.m. and we have to be at school by 10:30. She is mad at me and now I'm annoyed too.

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