Queen of Death part 3

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Marinette stepped out of the shadows, grinning as she stared out of the window into the city of Paris. It had been one month since everyone went into hiding and she was prepared to face them again. Her eyes glowed red as the abandoned building she was in faded away. She flew up into the sky and let her eyes flow red yet again. Every building turned to butterflies and every person in them turned to slime. She used her laser hands and carved the words 'Bring me the heroes' into the floor before flying away.

The next day, detectives, police officers, news reporters and agents flooded Paris, trying to get ahold of what happened and why.

Adrien sat down and watched Nino help Alya across the living room. They took her out of recovery the moment the doctors said she could start physical therapy and fled back to China. Whilst Nino and Alya were helping each other, Adrien and Chloe began to lead the country with Tom by their side. They weren't crowned because Marinette hadn't left by choice and as far as everyone knew, she was yet to return.

Adrien turned the TV on and watched the news.
"Good morning and here's your latest. The top stories this hour are that a missing child was recently found earlier today. Witnesses claimed that they saw the child being taken away at gunpoint. In other news, in France, the whole of Paris has disappeared. What seemed to be the city of love has vanished. The next story-"

Adrien's eyes widened and his heart dropped as he heard.
"Did she just say what I think she just said?" Nino asked, helping Alya to the sofa and sitting her down there.
"I believe so. Marinette didn't do this, you don't think.. do you?" Adrien said, looking at Nino with horror in his eyes.
"I don't know dude. We saw what she was capable of when we were there. She could've done this," Nino said with a sigh.

"Now in Paris, the city has vanished. The population has disappeared and turned into what appears to be slime. Miranda on scene."
"Thank you Jo. I'm in where Paris was and as you can see, not a body or building in sight. We're not sure what's done this Jo, but all we can know is that someone did this. There's a message down there and if we turn around, we can see it says bring me the heroes. I'm gonna be honest when I say that I don't know what it's talking about quite frankly. But the whole population is just presumed dead and the land is still here but the buildings are gone. What happened here and who is behind all this? Back to you Jo!"

Adrien turned the Tv off and shuddered at the thought.
"It's definitely Marinette. I have a feeling she's healed her hand," Nino said with a sigh as he put his head in his hands. "Did you ever find out why she was doing this?"
"No. She said she had a wish.. there's no one or there wasn't anyone she would bring back to life so I don't know," Adrien said with a shrug.
"She doesn't want it for power, that's for sure," Nino said, sitting up again.
"Well let's think to back when it happened. When did she start becoming.. evil?" Adrien said.
"When I found her in the sewers after Kim was mysteriously deevilised. I found her with the moth pin," Alya spoke up. "Maybe that's when? She couldn't control the miraculous so maybe she used her negative energy to get through it and then the akuma manipulated that energy into her thoughts and actions."
"That seems like a good idea. I mean, this did come out of nowhere," Adrien said with an acknowledging nod.
"So do we return to Paris?" Nino asked.
"Do we have any other choice? She might go after other cities.. or even China," Adrien said sadly.

Adrien opened the box up and took the fox miraculous out. He threw it to Alya. Nino looked at Adrien angrily.
"Dude, she's not ready!" snapped Nino.
"I want to try something," Adrien said, nodding at Alya. Alya nodded back and she put the necklace around her neck.

She mumbled her transformation words and stood up. She gazed in wonder as she started running around.
"I can walk!" she squealed. Nino's eyes lit up with delight as he watched his girlfriend up on her feet.
"I have a feeling that it will only last for as long as you're transformed," Adrien said. Alya stood still and nodded. She detransformed and wobbled before Nino was at her side again.
"C'mon, I'll help you," he said, putting her arm around his shoulder as they slowly journeyed to her room.

Adrien lay on the sofa and stared at the ceiling.
"Adrien! No!" Marinette said, giggling as he tickled her. They were in their senior year of high school and had just finished exams. Adrien and Marinette were taking a few days for themselves in each other's company.
"C'mon m'lady, you could've easily stopped me," he said with a grin, continuing to tickle her. After a few moments, he stopped and she sat back up. She rested her head on his shoulder and he held her hand.
"Adrien.. I-I know you'll never forgive me but I want you to know I am sorry," she said, her voice shaking.
"Princess, I was mad for a while. But at the end of the day, it wasn't really your fault if you look at it in detail. And I'm sorry for ever making you feel like I hated you. I love you Marinette," he said, kissing her forehead. She let go of his hand and backed away from him.
"Y-you what?" she asked with a gasp. Adrien thought back to what he just said then blushed when he realised.
"I'm sorry Marinette! I wanted my first time saying that to you to be special and romantic! Can we pretend it never happened?" he said quickly. She blinked a few times before smiling and relaxing.
"Adrien, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you too kitty," she said, placing her hand on his cheek.

He opened his eyes and stretched. It was dark now and the palace was silent.
"You miss her don't you?" Plagg asked. Adrien sat up and stared at his kwami.
"Are you okay Plagg?" Adrien asked, ignoring the question.
"As okay as I can be," the kwami responded, leaving his owner in more confusion. Then it clicked.
"I know you never got to say goodbye. And I'm sorry. You've changed in 2 years but I know your feelings for Tikki haven't. I know you didn't get to spend much time together after Marinette found you and I know that you never got to say goodbye. I'm sorry Plagg but you know what must be done," explained Adrien with a sigh. Plagg sniffed, trying to hide his tears.
"It's just not fair! Me and Tikki.. we're like yin and yang. We bring balance to the universe. If there's yin without the yang or vice versa, then the universe is unbalanced. If I'm without Tikki, who knows what will happen. You can't have destruction without creation. But it's not just that. Tikki and I have this special bond. I love her and deep down she loves me. I don't want to be our last time seeing each other is me through you killing her. Please don't make me kill my sugarcube!" Plagg ranted.
"I'm sorry Plagg. But it's the only way. You know the only way a miraculous can be destroyed is through cataclysm," Adrien said sadly. "If there was another way, I'd do it."
"But we can't even restore everything. I can't live the rest of my life without her!" Plagg said through tears. Adrien held out his hand for Plagg and Plagg nuzzled into his cheek.
"And I can't live without Marinette. After this is done, I don't know what will happen to her. Whether she'll die, go into a coma, get locked up or what. All I know is, she left a hole in my heart that I can't fix. We'll get through this together," explained Adrien, blinking back his own tears.

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