Queen of Death Part 2

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His heart shattered. He felt a tear fall from his eye.
"What?" he asked, avoiding her stare. She stepped away from his, crossed her arms and smirked.
"I am Papillon Malin," she repeated.
"So not only are you Hawkmoth, you're also a murderer," he said bitterly. She froze and her eyes widened.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"You killed Lila!" he shouted, looking her dead in the eyes.
"Who told you?" she asked through her teeth, seething at his words.
"That isn't important Marinette," he said angrily, remaining his focus on her. This time, she looked away. Mainly from shame but also because she didn't want to hurt him any more than he was pushing her to.
"You're not a killer Marinette. Lila had no right to die. I admit, she was a horrible person and deserved to be locked up, but not killed. I can't believe you actually murdered someone!" he yelled, his blood boiling.
"Y-you wouldn't understand," she mumbled.
"What wouldn't I understand Marinette? I was there for you through everything. You abandoned me in London, you left your friends in Paris and fled to China. But we still cared for you! And you haven't done anything to show us that you care for us! Nothing. Name one thing you have done for us!" he shouted, tears welling in his eyes. Her eyes glowed red but she didn't say anything. Her eyes glowed a blood red and he didn't even flinch.
"One thing. You can't even name it. Face it Marinette. You've never been a good girlfriend.. or a friend," he said bitterly. The words cut through her like ice and she hovered in the air for a second. He stood his ground. He didn't even move. She rose him up in the air with just her eyes and he struggled for a few seconds before relaxing. She flew closer to him and then put her hand as if she was using telekinesis. He was sent crashing through several walls until he was out the other side of the Agreste mansion. He fell to the floor and she flew out and landed on her feet. He was weak, he knew that. He couldn't stop though. He just needed to gather the strength from being Chat Noir. He got to his knees and tried to stand up.

She put her hand out and he fell to the floor again and couldn't get up because she was pushing him down.
"Stay down. Final warning," she said through gritted teeth.
"N-never!" he yelled through the pain.
"I pity you Agreste," she said with a fake pout as she pushed him down even further with her powers.
"You made yourself overpowered for an akuma," he snapped at her.
"Well why not? I don't know what was stopping Hawkmoth from doing this but it doesn't matter. I gave myself any power I could think of," she said with a grin. She released him from her hold and he let out a few deep breaths. He stayed on the floor though as he didn't have the strength to stand up.

At that moment, Ivan came running.
"Ivan.. no," he said sadly. Ivan shook his head and looked at Marinette.
"Well well well. What do we have here? Someone playing hero?" she asked, aiming her hands at the man on the other side of the gates of the Agreste mansion. Red lasers came out of them and destroyed the gate but Ivan jumped out of the way just in time. He ran inside, avoiding her lasers and threw Adrien a ring.
"I'm done playing!" she yelled, raising her other hand up which raised Ivan up into the air. She turned her hand and it turned Ivan upside down. She put her hand back past her shoulder and then forwards suddenly and Ivan was sent flying.

Next thing she knew, she was knocked to the ground. She stood up and saw Chat Noir stood in front of her.
"Pathetic," she said, chuckling.
"Where is your akuma Marinette?" he asked, as his baton went back to its normal size.
"I'll never tell you," she said with a grin as her eyes glowed red again. He ran at her and aimed his baton but when he went to hit her with it, it turned to glitter. He stared down at his hands and then back up at her as he realised he was defenceless stood before her. She scoffed before raising her hand and lasers being sent right in front of him. He dodged and started running as her lasers chased him. He stopped at the Agreste window, jumped back and pushed her to the ground with him. He held her arms down and she struggled.
"What were you wearing when I left?" he asked to himself.

The Queen of China {Book 3 of The Princess Series}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum