The Queen in Paris

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They landed in Paris after several hours. Jet lag hit and it made the young adults exhausted. Luckily, Natalie was there to pick them up with Gorilla.

Natalie stood anxiously at the car, biting her lip as she watched the three slowly leave the airport. Her face lit up upon seeing Adrien. His mood changed from tired to excited as he ran to Natalie and hugged her. She tensed up but warmed up to him.
"I've missed you Adrien," she said, smiling a little.
"I've missed you too Natalie," he said, closing his eyes in content. She opened the door for the three and sat down beside Gorilla in the front.
"How was your flight?" she asked.
"Boring. The jet was very loud as well," said Alya, yawning.
"You can all sleep until we arrive at the mansion. And we have left it exactly as it was when you left Adrien," said Natalie, slipping back into the emotionless tone of voice. The three didn't need telling twice. Marinette put her head on Alya's shoulder and the friends fell asleep whilst Adrien laid his head down on the window and he too fell asleep for a quick power nap.

The car came to a halt, waking the three friends up from their slumber.
"Home," Adrien whispered happily. Gorilla helped carry their stuff in and showed them to their rooms. Marionette sat down on her bed and sighed.

"Marinette, I'm just going to the shops. You want anything?" asked Alya.
"Don't they do the shopping?" asked Marinette, hinting at Natalie and Gorilla.
"Probably but I'm gonna buy snacks. Let's have a film night like back when we were younger," said Alya with a smirk. Marinette's eyes lit up as she nodded excitedly.
"I assume you're getting all the snacks so I won't ask for anything for that. Uh.. some Oreos please; any flavour," requested the young queen. Alya chuckled and nodded as she grabbed her purse and walked out of the room.

"Tikki," Marinette said. "Can I meet the kwamis? It's been years."
"Of course. They are all excited to see you again," Tikki said with a happy smile. Marinette grabbed the box out of her bag and placed it on her bed. She opened all the slots and each kwami came out of their place.

"Mistress!" they all cheered. "We knew you would come back for us!"
"I am so sorry I left you guys. I fell somewhere far but I'm back now," explained Marinette, her eyes welling up slightly.
"We're just glad you're back Mistress," Wayzz said with a smile.
"I was hoping I could learn your powers... Nooroo, is it okay if I try you first? You have been through a lot of trauma so I will only do so if you're comfortable," explained Marinette.
"Of course mistress," Nooroo replied timidly. Everyone went back in their box and she grabbed the moth miraculous, placing it on.

"Nooroo, dark wings rise!" cried Marinette. A purple light enveloped her figure and eventually, her clothes were changed with her new costume. She wore a dark brown purplish pantsuit with a dark purple cape flowing behind her, split into two to make it look like wings. Her eyes were covered with a grey mask, a point by the nose to symbolise a beak. Her hair was put up in a bun. A staff appeared in her hands and her hands were covered by grey gloves.

"Wow," Marinette said quietly, turning around and looking at herself in the mirror.
"Marinette, do you want to combine them?" asked Tikki.
"No, not yet. I want to try and make a butterfly. How do I summon one?" asked Marinette.
"I am unsure Marinette. I have never been fused with the moth miraculous before," explained Tikki with a shrug.

Marinette held out her hand and closed her eyes. She kept thinking butterfly over and over again until it was all she was thinking, when she felt a presence on her hand. She opened her eyes and gasped. A pure white butterfly.
"Hello there," she said, admiring her work. The butterfly flapped it's wings. Suddenly, she felt a pain against her chest. Her hand flew to her chest and the butterfly flew away.
"Marinette? Are you okay?" asked Tikki, panic written all over her face.

Marinette fell to her knees and she closed her eyes and tried to calm her breathing.
"I.. I felt something. A strong.. overwhelming emotion.. like negativity. I felt a negative emotion," explained Marinette.
"The moth miraculous does that. They sense negative emotions. How you use the butterfly to control the emotion is your choice. Make the right one," explained Tikki, worrying.

Marinette stood back up, trying to look past the pain in her chest. She called for the butterfly again and put her other hand over it. A bright purple light encased the butterfly and it was made into an akuma.
"It's not evil, is it?" asked Marinette.
"No. That's how all of them look, good or bad," answered Tikki.
"Fly away my little akuma, and purify him!" cried Marinette.

She gasped and could suddenly see what the akuma was seeing.
"Wow, what is this?" she asked, smiling in wonder, no longer minding the pain.
"Telepathic communication. When the akuma lands in an object of the victim's, you can then control a telepathic connection with them," explained Tikki, recalling this information from her past life with her old masters.

The butterfly landed in a swimming cap. It was Kim!
"Le Chien Kim, you.. uh.. give me a few seconds," she said, breaking the telepathic communication. "Tikki, I know why he's upset. How?"
"Telepathy," responded Tikki, not knowing the real reason why. Marinette rolled her eyes in a playful way before establishing the telepathic communication again.
"Le Chien Kim, you had your heart broken after your girlfriend rejected your proposal. I am giving-"
"I am not working for you Hawkmoth! I had enough of this as a teenager!" yelled Kim.
"W-what?" asked Marinette, taken aback.
"With no Hawkmoth around, my friends and I in Paris were working on how to block mind control. I will not fall for it again. You.. well not you specifically caused a lot of trauma to teenagers and now you will not do it!" shouted Kim.
"No wait," protested Marinette. "My name is uh.. Madame Papillon. And I am here to give you a positive emotion."
"Wait.. what?" asked Kim.
"I was going to give you the power of confidence to try again.. but only for a few hours as I can't keep an akuma in you forever," explained Marinette.
"I have confidence!" protested Kim.
"Fine, I'll take it somewhere else then," said Marinette, smirking.
"No, no! I'll take it!" cried Kim. Marinette nodded, closed her eyes and gave him her confidence. She broke the telepathic communication and dropped to her knees.

"How did they do this?" asked Marinette. "Back when Hawkmoth and Lady Butterfly were around."
"If I'm correct, to give them a power, you take yours and give it to them. They took a negative emotion and added theirs to it, but they had plenty more so it never phased them. You are giving them your good emotions, which as far as I'm aware because they don't have, takes all of yours. So it will cause.. something. I don't know what though," explained Tikki.
"It hurts," she said, holding her chest.
"It may do," said Tikki, nodding her head gravely.

"Nooroo, dark wings fall," she mumbled. The purple light covered her and she was back in her normal clothes.
"I am so sorry mistress," cried Nooroo.
"It's not your fault Nooroo. Don't worry," whispered Marinette, breathing deeply.

The Queen of China {Book 3 of The Princess Series}Where stories live. Discover now