The Queen's anger

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It had been several weeks now and Marinette's power only grew. She also got smarter about how to defeat her partners. It was a Sunday night and she was sat on the roof, looking up at the stars. Chat Noir landed on the roof next to her and detransformed.
"Hey princess," he said, laying next to her.
"Hello Chaton. How was patrol?" she asked, not even looking at him and being focused on the stars.
"It was alright. Whatcha doin m'lady?" he asked.
"Just looking at the stars," she responded. Within a few minutes, Marinette snuggled into him and he just smiled fondly.
"Marinette, are we dating?" he asked.
"What do you mean?" she asked quietly.
"Well, that question was fairly simple but okay. Uh.. because there was the whole me in a coma thing and then me forgetting everything. I just wanted to know if our relationship is back to what it used to be," he explained. She sat up and looked at him. He sat up as well, his anxiety about it increasing.

She kissed him on the cheek and nodded.
"I'd like to be your girlfriend again," she said softly.
"And I'd like that very much," he said with a smile. Just as they were leaning in for a kiss, Marinette's phone began ringing, instantly making them pull away. She stood up and walked to the other side of the Agreste mansion roof. Adrien looked back at her in worry.

"Marinette? Hi," Chloe's voice said through her phone.
"Oh hey Chlo. Look, we'll be back soon hopefully, we just have to deal with this new Hawkmoth and then I'll get back to my royal duties," explained Marinette.
"It's not that. Marinette.. it's about your mother," Chloe said sadly.
"What about her?"
"She passed away a few minutes ago."
"What?" she asked, gasping at the information.
"I am so sorry Marinette. Your father is willing to plan the funeral and he'll let you know about everything."

Marinette dropped to her knees, sobbing. Adrien ran to her side and asked her what was wrong. She shook her head, transformed into Ladybug and used her yo-yo to get out of there. Her tears were still running. She landed at the Eiffel Tower and let the tears fall.

Once her tears eventually stopped, she looked back at the city of Paris. Her anger, more than anything, began to control her. She detransformed, put the moth miraculous on and transformed.

She made the white butterfly into an akuma and smirked.
"Stick around mon akuma," she said with a grin. She detransformed and smirked.
"Mistress. This won't end well. I've seen Hawkm-"
"Silence!" she snapped, tears welling in her eyes again. She looked back at the akuma and let it fly into her earring. She took the pin off and placed it in her pocket.

She closed her eyes as a dark purple smoke enveloped her and changed her into an akuma. Yet, she was in control. And she would get their miraculous if it was the last thing she'd ever do.

Sorry for such a short chapter. Been busy due to this whole coronavirus and going back to school. Hopefully it will be a longer chapter next time.
Stay amazing!

The Queen of China {Book 3 of The Princess Series}Where stories live. Discover now