The Queen and the events

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It was a magical evening for some. Some were enjoying the snow and making snowmen. But not Paris. Paris lived in fear and stayed inside, missing the snow. Why? After years without an incident, an akuma was on the loose.

The three heroes chased down the akumatized victim to a skyscraper.
"Give up now Kim! We can help you defeat this!" yelled Chat Noir.
"Never. I will have my love, whether in death or in life," he snapped.

Chat Noir activated his cataclysm power and lunged forwards. Kim dodged and struck Chat Noir with his baton. Chat Noir fell back but strove forwards with his own baton and the two battled it out in a kind of sword like fight.
Ladybug jumped in and swung her yo-yo around Kim, wrapping him up like a hostage. He struggled and eventually found his way out of the situation. Rena Rouge activated her illusion powers and made it look like Ladybug was coming in for an attack. However, the real Chat Noir, protected by her illusion powers, came to attack him from the behind. Kim dodged the illusion's attack, jumped behind the invisible Chat Noir and kicked him to the ground. The illusion faded away and Chat Noir was about to get up to his feet when Kim began hitting him with both his and Chat Noir's batons continuously.

"Chat Noir!" cried Ladybug. In anger, she swung her yo-yo and it wrapped around Chat Noir's baton. She pulled it away from Kim's grasp and handed it over to Rena Rouge. She swung her yo-yo and it wrapped around Kim. She pulled and he went flying above them. Unfortunately for them, he got free of the yo-yo and jumped down the skyscraper.

"M'lady, he's gone into the sewers!" cried Chat Noir, hands held against his ribs in pain.
"I'm on it," said Rena Rouge, jumping off of the building to follow Kim.
"Be right behind you!" yelled Ladybug before running over to Chat Noir. "You stay here," she whispered to him.
"No m'lady, I'll be fine," he said with a smirk, as he struggled to sit up.
"Oh my dear kitty, you're injured. Listen, I'll be right back. Okay?" she said with a smile, turning to leave.
"Fine. But come straight back," he said with a sigh. She froze, turned back around and knelt down so she was eye level with him.
"I just got you back. I'm not going anywhere," she said, placing her hand on his cheek. He nodded and she dived off of the building, following after Rena Rouge.

Her mind was racing. The message. That was what she saw... so she is about to hurt him. What am I going to do to hurt him? Maybe I can prevent it..

She landed in the sewers and looked around. No sign of Rena Rouge or Kim.
"Hello?" she cried out. She took a deep breath in through her nose and immediately regretted it. "I did not miss the stench of the sewers." She started running until she knew she was lost.
"Fine," she said in annoyance. She opened her yo-yo and dialled Rena Rouge.
"Hey this is Rena Rouge. Leave a message."
"Rena, where are you? I am lost down here," she said with a sigh. She closed the yo-yo and began walking around.

She leant against a wall before deciding to detransform. Nooroo flew out of her pocket and to where Tikki was.
"What are you doing Marinette?" asked Tikki.
"Devilising him through Nooroo," explained Marinette, releasing a shaky breath.
"I don't think that's a good idea mistress," Nooroo said.
"What other choice do I have?" she asked sadly. "Nooroo, dark wings rise."

She closed her eyes and tried reaching out to the akuma. She was sent crashing into the wall when it rejected her.
"What happened?" asked Tikki.
"It's fighting against me because of its evil nature and my.. not so evil nature," she explained.
"Please don't do this," Tikki said pleadingly.
"I have to try," cried Marinette, standing back up.

She closed her eyes again and reached out to it.
"You want negative emotions? Fine!" she said, anger seeping through her words. She thought of how much the argument annoyed her, the anger towards Lila.. everything. Eventually, she got through to the akuma and chuckled darkly.
"Akuma, come back to me. I'll use you again when I'm stronger," she said, a smirk showing on her face. Kim stopped running, froze and was deevilised. Rena Rouge stopped as well. The akuma flew out and turned white, before flying back to its mistress.

She sighed with a smile.
"Marinette, I don't think you should use that miraculous again," said Tikki, concerned for her owner's sudden dark ways.
"You don't get a say in what miraculous I use," she hissed. "And I need to for my wish."
"W-what wish?" asked Tikki, eyes widening.
"Now why would I tell you that? Tikki, you're retired," she said, taking her earrings off.

The Queen of China {Book 3 of The Princess Series}Where stories live. Discover now