
Anna replies to Sarah with a smile on her face, "Okay as you say so"

" Why are you smiling Anna?"

"I don't know but I think Adam is your biggest crush in this college from what I can see but you always tend to ignore the fact"

Sarah closes her locker while replying to Anna, "Of course not, he might be good looking but actually not my type"

Anna replies to Sarah while looking at her face "Oh Really?, Okay as you say so"

"Whatever, its running late now I think we should go to class before the starting of the lessons"

"Okay lets go" Anna replies

Sarah and Anna then leaves their lockers as they both heads to their classroom in a hurry before the starting of the lessons, in few minutes Anna and Sarah arrives Inside the classroom and all the students were already there waiting for the lessons to start and then Anna and Sarah both goes to their desks and sits down ,Sarah's desks is closer and besides Adam's desk and After Sarah's down on her desk, she then greets Adam with a shy look on her face,



Sarah ends glancing at Adam as she fears to speak with him due to the shyness that she always feels whenever she is around Adam, While Sarah is glancing at Adam without saying anything for a longtime, Adam then notices her and looks at her as he asks her a question,

"Do you need anything from me Sarah?"

Sarah startles after Adam asked her a question and then Sarah replies to Adam while pretending "Not at all I was just looking at the dress you wore today, it fits you perfectly"

"Thanks!, you also look amazing with that make you have applied on your face today too"

Sarah replies to Adam with a smile on her face after the compliment "Aww thanks"

After Adam is done complementing Sarah's appearance he then continues with his things while leaving Sarah talking to her inner thoughts by herself,

"Omg, am I dreaming or what, finally Adam has notices me and my make up.omg I'm going to freak out now"

While Sarah is talking to herself in her inner thoughts then the acting teacher enters inside the classroom while holding his briefcase and then greets his students,

"Good morning everyone"

"Good morning" the students replies

Then the teacher drops his briefcase on his table and then talks to his students while facing them

"Well I hope everyone is fine today, but today there is nothing special that I have prepared for you because as you know we were all on a holiday the past month but as I remember I left some homework to do on Adam's group and I would love to see what Adam's group have prepared for us Today, so can Adam and your group come forward so that you can perform to us your parts in front of the classroom"

Adam then stands up and looks around at his group members in the classroom as he calls them but each group member seems to be scared to stand and go in front of the classroom to perform their parts, then the teacher asks Adam,

"Why are you taking so long Adam?, we are all waiting for your group to come in front"

"Okay sir! just give us few seconds"

Adam then calls his group for the second time and his group stands up and they all heads in front of the classroom with the scared looks on their faces ,the members of Adam's group are James, Sarah and Jane, while Adam's group is in front of the class, Jane seems to freak out with the look of fear on her face because she didn't rehearsal her apart well during holiday as speaks to her fellow members in the group,

"What if we are all going to do bad, I'm freaking out right now, I don't know what to do anymore guys"

Adam then goes to Jane and calms her down as he speaks to her in a softer voice,

"we got this Jane, Just calm down and believe in yourself, okay?"

Jane replies to Adam in calmer voice "Okay"

Adam's group then starts to perform in front of the classroom, as all of the members in the group plays their roles well and also the show is fantastic until it leaves all the students quite speechless because all the students did not expect to see what they have seen during performance even the teacher is surprised and proud of them for the performance that they have showed in front of the classroom because he didn't expect them to perform on higher level compared to the previous time when they performed.

The school bell rings and it is time to go home, Every students starts packing their things as they leaves the college heading to their homes, while Adam is on his way to the parking lot in order to take his car so that he can go home, Sarah follows Adam from behind and calls him,

"Adam!, Adam!"

After Adam hears Sarah's voice he then stops and waits for Sarah to arrive and when Sarah approaches Adam she then speaks with Adam,

"I'm so sorry for bothering you Adam"

"its nothing Sarah"

"Adam i would like to ask you something if you would not mind?"

"Okay sure, What is it Sarah"

"I would love if you could help me on my acting rehearsal today, would you mind coming at my place?"

"Sure, at what time?"

"i think at night time will be great"

"Okay no problem"

Sarah replies to Adam with a smile on her face, "thanks Adam"

Adam; "it's my pleasure"

After Adam and Sarah are done talking to each other, Adam then goes to his car and drives straight to his home and After Adam arrives home during evening, he then goes straight to the sitting room and sits down on his sofa as he turns on his tv. On the television programme he sees the president of united state of America addressing to his citizens, Adam then decides to watch it until the end of the president's speech.

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