chapter 80 ~ 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆

Bắt đầu từ đầu

     Holding my suitcase close to my side, I rolled it beside me like a pet on its leash to get in line behind an older man waiting to purchase a ticket. We kept our distance from the others in line, per the request of the circular floor stickers demanding I "keep six feet" from the person in front of me. My eyes remained glued on my sticker as if it were my personal stepping pad. Like a frog on a lilypad, I didn't dare set foot off the blue dot until we moved forward in the line, barricaded in our spots by metal stanchions.

     That was it. I was really leaving. I'd waited until the dark sky lightened to a dull grey and forced my way out of bed to shove all of my belongings into a suitcase and fled. Well, most of my belongings. I remembered sitting at the edge of my bed with tears trickling down my cheeks as I seated my stuffed animals at the head of my mattress. Parting gifts. A reminder that I was there, and the piece of my life in Korea that I would not bring with me to America. I had nothing of the others with me, and hopefully, that would help me forget.

     Finally, I made it to the front of the line, tapping my foot impatiently as the older gentleman slowly shuffled away from the counter and out into the sea of public rushing about the terminal. I padded up to my spot behind the desk and dropped my suitcase with an exhausted huff, careful not to lean on the countertop as I blinked across at the pretty receptionist. 

     "Good morning, ma'am," she hummed, her voice sending tingles racing through my fingertips. "How can I help you? Have you purchased a ticket yet?"

     "N-No, actually." I took a deep breath, searching for the correct words to ask for help. "I need a flight to America. I don't really care where I land, I just need to get back into the country."

     The woman stared at me for a second as if I'd insulted her, and coming from a darker woman, my request might've sounded as if I needed to flee the country. And, that was the case, but not in the sense she might've thought. After a moment of silence, she glanced behind her up at the departing flights before typing something quickly into her computer. She bit down on her bottom lip in thought, clicking hesitantly about with her mouse before pushing back out of her chair.

     "Is there a problem?"

     "No. Not really. It seems like there's a glitch in our system, and I just want to check if there's a seat for you to purchase for a flight departing at ten."

     My eyes widened in surprise. " the morning?"

     "Yes. In a couple of hours."

     I glanced up at the clock residing behind the counter. It was well past eight in the morning. If the receptionist came back and allowed me to purchase a single ticket, I could get through security and check-in within the next hour and be well on my way to America by nightfall. With a nod, I let her step away to check on the seating arrangements, telling her that I would be waiting out of line as another employee stepped up to help the woman behind me.

     Lugging my suitcase behind me, I found an empty seat away from the other people seated around me, lounging back with a soft groan as I let the heat from a strip of sunlight soak through my clothes. I was surprisingly calm considering that I was leaving my entire family behind, and I knew that the shock and regret would settle in after I took flight. My eyes fluttered closed with exhaustion as I leaned forward onto my hands, pressing the hilt of my palm into my skull to force away a blossoming headache. All I needed to focus on was leaving. Just leaving. Then I could let every other thought and emotion come crashing down on top of me.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫. | BTS |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ