Kokichi just makes an 'e' sound while pointing at random things. I sigh and set Kokichi in my lap so that he's sitting again. "It's alright, I can take him." I respond. Kaede and Kirumi nod. "Okay, so wh-?" Maki starts.

"Ah! Pamta!" Kokichi exclaims pointing to an empty panta bottle on the floor by the trash. "Pampta! Gimme!" Kokichi exclaims with grabby hands. "I'll get it." Kirumi says.

"Wait bu-." I start. "I'm getting grape juice, don't fear." Kirumi says before walking off to the kitchen. Kokichi takes my hat off of his head before banging it on the table. "He's too cute." Kaede says patting Kokichi's head. Kokichi gasps. He reaches for Kaede and she picks him up. He doesn't fuss, but instead he starts playing with her ahoge. "Ah! Look Shuchi!" The little baby exclaims holding Kaede's ahoge. Every watches how adorable Kokichi is. Kaede smiles while giggling. Kokichi runs his tiny fingers through Kaede's hair. Kaede smiles and Kirumi comes back with the juice.

"Kokichi, look what I have!" Kaede exclaims catching the sippy cup full of grape juice. Kokichi takes the sippy cup and sits down on Kaede. "Alright, he should be satisfied for now while I prepare food." Kirumi says about to walk back to kitchen.

"Puhuhu! Alrighty kiddos, the killing has been real quiet- wait, where's the liar?" Monokuma exclaims coming out of nowhere. "Right here, now what do you want?" Miu says pointing at Kokichi. Kokichi looks over at Monokuma before shrinking back in fear. He reaches for me and I pick him up. "I see! One of you absolute idiots turned him into a kid. Oh that is gold! Fuck the motive, kill someone or else I'll make sure he stays that way!" Monokuma exclaims holding his claws up, and his eye glowing red. Kokichi shrieks and clings onto me. "Ahhh! WAAAAAH!" Kokichi screeches. "Now look what you did!" Iruma shouts. "Now he's annoying." Maki says rolling her eyes. Kokichi cries even harder, clinging onto my shirt.

"Ha! That's actually hilarious! Alright, you people have to kill someone or take care of that little shit forever, take your pick." Monokuma says disappearing. Kaito, Maki, Tenko, and Himiko walk out of the cafeteria, unable to deal with the screaming, and crying baby. Seeing Kokichi cry makes me sad.

"It's alright, shhh..." I try shushing the screaming child in my arms. He grips onto my jacket and cries in my shoulder. "Shh, come on Kichi." I say standing up, while bouncing him in my arms. Miu walks up behind me and lifts Kokichi's head up to look at her. "He ain't scary, he's just a bitch. Toughen up!" Miu exclaims. Kokichi stops crying instantly and starts giggling.

"Bitch!" He exclaims happily. Miu's eyes widen before she walks away trying not to laugh. I sigh before positioning Kokichi so that he can look at me. "No! That's a bad word, you can't say that." I explain. Kokichi tilts his head and I move my finger back and forth. He pokes my cheek and my nose. "Pay wit me Shu!" Kokichi exclaims.

"I'll take him, you guys can go do whatever." I tell everyone else. They all nod and leave the cafeteria. "What do you wanna do, Kichi?" I ask the child. "Ah-down, ah-down!" He says trying to get out of my arms. I set him down and he sits on the floor. "Pay copy!"

    I smile and sit down on the floor. Kokichi claps and I mimic his clapping. Kokichi starts giggling before patting his legs. I continue to copy his actions while laughing. Kokichi starts patting his cheeks and I mimic his actions causing him to laugh uncontrollably. He sticks his tongue out at me, so I stick my tongue out at him. Kokichi starts making a ton of funny faces at me, so I make funny faces back at him. Kokichi and I play like this for a little while until he gets a little bored.

I laugh along with Kokichi and he lays down on the floor holding his stomach from laughing so hard. "Shuchi funny!" Kokichi exclaims rolling over on his stomach. I lie down on the floor next to him on my back. Kokichi crawls over to me and jumps on my stomach. "Ouch!" I laugh. Kokichi giggles before laying on his stomach on my chest. "Habala!" Kokichi babbles.

I chuckle at the small baby. He stops babbling for a second before looking down at his stomach. "Hungy!" He shouts while frowning. "Alright, well we're still in the cafeteria, so let's go find something to eat, yeah?" I say sitting up. I pick Kokichi up and walk in the kitchen.

I open the fridge and let Kokichi take a look inside. "Dis one!" The little leader exclaims pointing at the grapes. "Alright." I respond grabbing the container of grapes. I bring Kokichi back to the tables to be met with Rantaro, Kirumi, and Kaede. "Oh, hey guys." I greet them. "Ha!" Kokichi gasps grabbing for Kaede. Kaede smiles and takes him out of my hands. "Hey, Shuichi, have you two been here the whole time?" Rantaro asks.

"Yeah, he's pretty energetic, to say the least." I respond. I glance at Kaede and Kokichi is playing with her ahoge again. Kaede giggles at Kokichi as he laughs. "Babalaha!" Kokichi babbles. "Come on, let's eat some grapes, yeah?" Kaede says sitting down at a table and putting Kokichi on her lap. She starts feeding Kokichi grapes as everyone comes in for lunch. "You guys are here early." Korekiyo states. "We never left, I kept him entertained in here for awhile." I reply implying Kokichi.

"Awe! Can I hold him?" Angie asks sitting next to Kaede. Kaede smiles and hand Kokichi off to Angie. "Gapes!" He exclaims grabbing at the container. Angie pulls it closer to him and the small leader continues to eat them. He looks up at angie and reaches for her necklace. He starts pulling on it and Angie has to pry him off. "Hey, no touch. It's fragile!" Angie exclaims. Kokichi pouts and starts crying.

"WAAAH!" He cries. "Oh no! Please don't cry!" Angie exclaims. Kokichi hits her shoulder and I glance over and pry away from my conversation with Kiyo. "What happened?" I ask Kaede who's now pulling Kokichi off of Angie. "I told him not to touch my necklace and he started crying, then he hit me." Angie explains.

   Kaede holds Kokichi up in the air while he throws his arms and legs everywhere, throwing a tantrum. He starts yelling and I take him from Kaede before putting him down on the floor. "Hey! You stop that right now!" I say in an angry tone. Kokichi flinches and starts crying even more. I used to babysit some kids, so I'm usually well experienced here... but Kokichi's being difficult.

"You can't be hitting people!" I say in an angry tone again. Kokichi shrinks back and his sobbing turns to little hiccups. "Shu mean!" Kokichi shouts. "No, you just did a bad thing, now you can sit in time out." I reply. Kokichi starts crying again. "Remember don't listen to the tears..." I whisper inaudibly.

"No! Pwease, Shu!" Kokichi exclaims gripping onto my leg. His sobbing is now interrupted by yawning. "There's the problem... you're sleepy." I sigh as I pry Kokichi off of my leg. I pick him up and hold him. He rests his head on my shoulder facing towards everyone else. His arms slump over my upper arms, and his sobbing is reduced back to hiccups and sniffles

"He just needs a nap." Kirumi chimes in. I start rubbing Kokichi's back and he sniffles. "Alright, I'm going to take him to the library and walk around while he falls asleep." I say to Rantaro. He nods and I leave the room.

I walk around the halls for a second before walking into the library. Kokichi's still awake, barely. I sigh softly and grab a book before sitting down in a chair. I take off my jack and wrap Kokichi in it before positioning Kokichi comfortably on my lap. "There..." I mutter. Kokichi's eyes close and start reading an interesting book on crime and action.

Soon enough, I start to feel drowsy as well. I put my feet up on a recliner stool and move my book aside. I hold Kokichi close and notice that he still clings onto me even in his sleep. Kokichi is too adorable like this.

"I'm not killing them, this is too cute." Tsumugi says looking at Monokuma he shrugs before letting out a long exasperated sigh. "This is gonna be a long three days..."

Sorry the end is rushed, it's almost four in the morning-

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