{Josie meets Monaco}

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She nods and runs to the car park, she unlocks the car and gets in. Thirty seconds later, Pepper climbs in the back and Happy gets in the driver's seat. Immediately, they speed out onto the street. Pepper is so flustered and stressed, she doesn't notice Josie for a second.

"Josie!", she turns to Happy, "You brought Josie?"

"What was I supposed to do? Tony will kill me if I leave her alone and he'll kill me if I bring her."

"Whatever, we need to go now! Go, go!", Pepper yells.

"Hang on.", Happy says, as they crash straight through a barrier put up to block off the race track.

They have to dodge out of the way of race cars, as they drive the wrong way down the track. "Give me the case.", Pepper instructs Happy.

"Here. Take it.", he hands it back to her.

"Where's the key?"

"It's in my pocket."

"What's in the case?", Josie asks.

"Car!", Pepper screeches.

"In the case or about to hit us?", asks Josie, as they dodge around another race car, "Oh, about to hit us. Got it."

They round a corner and see Tony's car in a crumpled heap. Tony himself, is cornered against a fence, as a shirtless man, with electric Mr. Tickle arms, walks towards him menacingly. Tony sees them coming, and leaps onto the fence, just as they smash the shirtless man with the car. He passes out on the bonnet, as he's squished against the fence. Tony jumps down to the ground and rounds the side of the car furthest from Josie.

"Are you okay?", Happy asks, as Pepper screams, clutching onto Josie like both of their lives depend on it.

"Yeah.", Tony mumbles, stumbling towards Happy's window, "Were you heading for me or him?"

"I was trying to scare him.", Happy says.

"'Cause I can't tell!", Tony yells.

"Are you out of your mind?", Pepper screams.

"Better security."

"Get in the car right now!"

"I was attacked! We need better security!", he notices Josie cowering in the corner of the car, "You brought Josie? Seriously?"

"Just get in the car already!", Josie yells.

"Pepper, you're CEO. Better security measures. God, it's embarrassing.", Tony complains, heading round the back of the car. He opens the door, to Josie, who is now crying, "Scooch over, Jellybean.", she shuffles along to the middle seat, "First vacation in two years.", he mumbles angrily. Whiplash wakes up and slices the door in half right in his hand, which only makes Josie scream and cry more.

"Oh my god!", Pepper screams, as they ram into the man again.

"I got him!", Happy yells.

"Hit him again! Hit him again!", Tony shouts, "Football.", he points to the case, which Pepper is now using to shield her and Josie from the sparks flying everywhere.

Happy hits the guy another time, "I got him!", he yells again.

"Take the case! Take the case!", Pepper shouts, trying to give it to Tony with little success.

"Give him the case!", Happy yells at her.

Josie just sits in the middle seat, crying and screaming, "Stop banging the car!", Pepper screeches at Happy, as the airbag inflates, hitting him in the face.

The shirtless guy lifts his whips and slashes the middle of the car, hitting Josie. Tony rushes around the other side of the car, to get the case and stop the man. Shirtless man hits the car again, taking down some of the roof, which hits Josie on the head. As everything goes black, all Josie hears is screaming and yelling.

*     *     *     *     *

Hey guys! Remember to vote, comment, and all that jazz! There's some juicy stuff coming up in the next few chapters so stay tuned!!!
- Hannah(;

Coming up soon:
Present day:
Even more arguing!
Who's Peter Parker?
Civil War 2.0!
Scott tries to have a rap battle with Tony!
Tony demonstrates how not to parent!
Rhodey and Tony fall out at Tony's party!
Tony goes through a mid-life crisis!

Next chapter title:
Josie meets total confusion

Also! I'm currently working on a Captain America fan-fic called 'America's Sweetheart', so stay tuned for that if you'd be interested in reading it!! :)

His Joy {Peter Parker X Stark's Daughter}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon