Chapter 1

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Regina paced around her bedchambers, head in her hands. Sighing, she sat down at her vanity and stared at the reflection she saw. It wasn't her. No, who she saw was someone different entirely. She paused for a second to think about what she had let herself become - weak. It had been a week since the love of her life had been killed in front of her, and yet the pain wasn't easing.

After his death, Cora had burned all of his belongings, even gifts as signs of his love he had procured for Regina. But there was one thing her mother didn't know survived - their engagement ring. Her daughter believed it was a sign that Daniel was looking out for her, wherever he was now.

Regina turned her head sharply as she saw the door handle twitch. She didn't think she could survive another bashing from her mother; she was far too upset. To her relief, her father walked in.

"Daddy, what are you doing here?" she asked. Regina had always been close to her father, and in the last few days, it had been proved that he felt the same way.

"Mother will not be happy if she finds you talking to me." she continued, "Since Friday, she's made it clear that my only visitors will be herself, the King, or that wretched girl he calls his daughter." Prince Henry walked over to where his daughter was sitting.

"I had to see you before your big day, and I wanted to make sure you were alright."

"Alright. Alright?!" Regina rose from her chair, she seemed full of anger to the world around her, but Henry knew her well enough to know she was just hurting. "You're asking me if I'm alright? My mother ripped Daniel's heart from his chest and crushed it into smithereens and you're asking me if I'm alright?!" She fell to the floor in tears. Henry had known for some time about Daniel, and he was always worried about the possible scenario in which Cora did find out, but he never thought she was capable of causing his daughter this much pain.

He placed a hand on her cheek, "That's not all, is it my love?" Regina's eyes flashed with fear for a second before composing herself. "Everything's fine. It's just..." She didn't need to finish her sentence before she felt her father's arms around her.

"I know you don't love the king, my dear. But I'm your father. I know when there's something else on your mind." Regina opened her mouth to deny all accusations, but Henry was quicker. "What kind of father would I be that you couldn't open up to me? Whatever's hurting you."

His daughter took a deep breath in, holding Daniel's ring close to her chest. Knowing what she would say next would change everything.

"I'm pregnant."

*Author's Note - Thank you so much for reading! I really hope you like it! Chapter 2 is out now! Leave any notes or feedback in comments ❤️ 

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