Chapter Eleven: Movies and Traumas

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When Meredith walked in the door, she immediately walked over to the couch and collapsed in exhaustion, trying to tell herself to take deep breaths. It was such an eventful day once again and she just needed some peace and quiet and time for herself, she was unsure what she was now.

Sure, Meredith had a few girlfriends in the past but she thought it was her teenage angst but now, she's a fully grown adult having a crush on another woman. She felt young again, the way she got giddy every time that Addison passed her way but the question still stood; what was she now?

Meredith debated wether she was a lesbian but decided no, because she still liked boys. She thought over a few different sexualities before finally settling on bisexual, leaning towards men. That end part felt wrong though, now she was just leaning towards Addison. Bisexual, leaning towards hot, world-class, double-board certified neonatal surgeons called Addison. Perfect!

Even though Meredith just had a shower this morning, her clothes were wet and she smelled like river water so she went upstairs to have a shower. She grabbed another two towels and headed into the bathroom, placing them on the ground right in front of the shower. Meredith took off her wet clothes and set the heat gauge to slightly warm water and she hopped in, basking in the feeling of water now dribbling down her body.

Meredith couldn't help but imagine Addison's arms running down her back and it caused shivers to go up her spine. She shook her head as a way to try and forget about it and instead leaned her head back, splashing her face with some water to distract herself. Out of instinct, she squinted her eyes shut and only opened them once the stinging had passed. Meredith grabbed her body wash and lathered it all over her body, letting the water wash it away.

Once she was finished washing, she jumped out of the shower and sat on the ground atop the towel, wrapping the other one around herself. The second the cold air blew against her skin she shivered but she got accustomed to it after a couple of seconds. Meredith's mind was still rushing with thoughts of Addison, she tried to hush them but they just kept coming. She went into her bedroom and got dressed in a cute pair of pyjamas. It was only the afternoon but she guessed that she wasn't going to be going anywhere else today.

Instead of going out somewhere, she decided to have a movie night at home. Meredith headed downstairs and grabbed two packets of microwaveable popcorn. She knew one packet was for sharing but she decided that she wanted a big portion, to distract herself. Meredith grabbed some maltesers from the fridge but decided to put them back, deciding that the feeling of the chocolate melting on her tongue would just remind her of the picnic, thus reminding her of Addison once again.

Once the microwave had finished cooking the popcorn, Meredith walked over and placed it on the coffee table in front of the couch. She closed the curtains and draped her royal blue blanket on the couch once again so she could snuggle up to it. Meredith knelt down and looked through the movies that she had on DVD, keeping it classic as always. She didn't need those expensive subscription services to watch a movie when her old ones were just fine the way they were. After staring for a while and trying to choose, she settled on '13 going on 30'. A kids movie, yes, but a hell of a good one.

She placed the disc in the DVD player and pushed it in, moving back to her seat and sitting down before pressing play. Right when it started, Meredith was hit by the nostalgic sound of 'Head Over Heels' by The Go-Go's. Meredith began to eat some popcorn, happily cuddling up to her blanket.


Meanwhile, instead of going home Addison decided to go to the hospital. Maybe it was in search of a distraction or maybe it was because she just felt like it, either way she wasn't sure. She needed to clear her mind but she also just needed somewhere to think and the hospital seemed like the spot. Her mind would be clear from thoughts of Meredith, yet she would still be able to keep busy by saving people's lives.

Once she arrived, she was glad to find out that there was an incoming trauma, with two pregnant women. Addison felt bad for wishing bad upon others, but the only reason she wished so was because she wanted to help them. She rushed to her office and changed into her dose scrubs then ran down to the emergency room, running out to the ambulance bay and waiting for her to arrive.

Apparently there was a massive bus crash in an intersection with 31 passengers, some were minor and some were severe but they still all needed medical attention. Two ambulances showed up before the third one did, which revealed a heavily pregnant woman whom was unconscious and covered in blood. "Seven months pregnant, was awake on the scene before passing out, broken shoulder presumably and a presumed head contusion." The paramedic explained as the woman was rushed in, Addison running afterwards.

Once the woman was off the stretcher and in a bed, she was hooked onto some monitors and Addison put a stethoscope on the woman's stomach. "It's not just one baby, it's four. How could you not notice this?" Addison yelled at the paramedic, "One's in distress. We have to deliver these babies, now." Addison explained, starting to push the bed to the OR. "It's too early!" An OBGYN resident yelled and Addison shook her head. "They'll die otherwise, book an OR. Stat!"

So, they rushed the woman up to the OR. "We need five teams, page everyone you can. Everyone, I don't care if they're not on their shift we need them stat." Addison stated while scrubbing in and the nurse went, paging as many residents and interns as they could. "We have about an hour to get all these babies out if any f them or the mother have a chance of survival, let's move everyone!"

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