Chapter Four: Night Shifts

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Meredith awoke to her alarm buzzing off at 11pm. She groaned and rolled out of bed, landing onto the ground in a loud thump. "Ouch" She grumbled, turning off the alarm and standing up.

Meredith went over to her dresser and grabbed her makeup from her drawer, throwing concealer on underneath her eyes since they were red from crying and adding a tint of blush to make herself look more 'alive', since she was always quite pale.

She grabbed a thermal top and leggings from another drawer and put them on so she would be warm during work and she tied her hair up into a high ponytail, like usual. She put a pair of jeans and a denim jacket on top so she looked presentable and went downstairs, grabbing her pager from the kitchen table where Addison had left it and placed it in her pocket.

Meredith felt a lot better after crying it out and she knew that she would be able to go to work without accidentally crying in front of a patient or something. She still felt extremely worried and guilty about Addison taking care of her and then crying in Addison's arms, but she knew it was too late to feel that now because it was already over now, unfortunately.

Meredith had to call for a taxi to go to work because her car was still at the bar, she didn't think about that when she was getting a ride from Addison. She could've just got dropped off at the bar so she could collect her car and so Addison wouldn't know where she lived but it was too late now, Addison already knew exactly where Meredith's house house was. The fact that Addison knew where she lived made her feel both relieved and nervous, but she wasn't sure why.

Once the taxi arrived she hopped in the backseat, preparing for the exhausting night shift that she was about to start. "Joe's bar, please" Meredith requested and the taxi man nodded, starting to drive. Meredith's chest was heavy but she ignored it.

When she arrived at the bar she handed the taxi man some money and hopped out, grabbing her keys and unlocking her car so she could drive the rest of the way to the hospital which was just across the road.

She got out of the car when she arrived at the hospital and met up with Cristina and Alex while walking in. "Night shifts are hell" Meredith groaned and Alex nodded in response. "Agreed" Cristina replied, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

They all started conversing while they walked towards the locker rooms, and that was when Meredith decided to tell Cristina what happened, she was her person after all. So, when they started changing into their scrubs Meredith started whispering, "Cristina we have to talk"

Cristina could tell that Meredith was serious by her facial expression and she just nodded, "What about?" She whispered back and Meredith took a couple seconds and glanced around her to make sure nobody was listening.

"Addison" Meredith finally replied and Cristina stared at her in desperate curiosity. "What about her?" Cristina asked and Meredith just bit her lip. "I'll tell you later, when there's less people around" Meredith responded and Cristina just nodded, continuing to change into her scrubs.

Once they were finished getting changed they went on rounds, and that was Meredith's chance to tell Cristina. "I had a fight with Derek, over Addison and how badly he treated her" Meredith began to whisper, "So after work I went to Joe's bar and got so drunk that I passed out on the street, and Addison found me and brought me back to hers. I don't remember what I said but when I woke up she kept asking me what was wrong and she gave me food and stuff" Meredith continued, making sure that nobody was listening in or even watching. "Then she dropped me home because I didn't have my car and afterwards she came to my house to drop off my stuff and I ended up crying on her lap before kicking her out" Meredith finally finished and Cristina just stared at her in both shock and awe.

"Wait so let me get this straight, you were standing up for Addison?" Cristina asked and Meredith nodded. "And you stayed at her house?" Cristina asked another question, the shock in her voice more predominant now.

"Was-" Cristina interupted herself, unsure if she should ask. "Was it big?" She finally asked, staring Meredith in the eye. "Yes, and yes, it was quite big I almost got lost" Meredith explained and Cristina just stayed silent for a minute, unsure of what to say. "Addison though? Addison?" Cristina mumbled to herself in shock and Meredith just nodded, laughing a bit at her friend's reaction.

"Incoming trauma, 8 months pregnant, got in a car crash" Bailey yelled, running over to the ambulance bay while Meredith and Cristina followed. 'Pregnant...' Meredith thought, hoping that this wouldn't mean that Addison would be paged. Right as she thought this, she heard Bailey holler, "Page Doctor Montgomery, now!"

Meredith just groaned, realising that she had just jinxed herself but the second that they brought the battered young woman out of the ambulance she got her head back in the game. They rushed to start checking her vitals and start seeing if there was any internal injuries. "Can you tell me where it hurts?" Meredith asked the woman, holding her hand. "B-baby..." The woman mumbled before going into cardiac arrest. They had to quickly start CPR and try to resuscitate the woman.

"Push one of epi!" Cristina yelled and Meredith suddenly felt light headed. She fell back onto the wall and leaned there for a minute, before finally catching her breath when she saw Addison walk in. Addison placed her stethoscope on the woman's stomach, "Baby's in distress, if it doesn't calm down soon we have to do an emergency c-section" Addison concluded quickly while the woman started to stabilise.

Then just as Meredith thought she was feeling better, she collapsed onto the ground. She was short of breath and when she looked up both Cristina and Addison were over by her side, lifting her up onto a gurney. Meredith had no clue what was happening and it was scaring her. Then, everything went black once again and her world just seemed to stop.

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