Chapter One: Tequila

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Meredith was working with Addison yet again on what Cristina loved to call 'Vagina squad', which was true, but the way Cristina worded it just didn't feel right to her.

"Here's the post-ops that I need you to do for me" Addison said nonchalantly, handing Meredith a huge stack of patient files, 14 to be exact. Meredith sighed loudly, annoyed at how she was stuck doing intern work when she was now a resident. "In the next 2 hours" Addison added at the end, starting to walk away and smirking lightly to herself.

"Dr Sh- Montgomery!" Meredith exclaimed down the hallway, causing Addison to turn on her heels and stare directly into Meredith's baby blue eyes.

"What's the problem Dr. Grey?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. She knew what Meredith was going to say but wanted to hear it from her anyways. This was Addison's way at getting back at Meredith for being with her husband.

"I can't do all of this work in such little time!" Meredith replied, biting her bottom lip out of nerves, unsure of what Addison was going to say to her. She knew that she'd probably get in even more trouble for complaining like she was, but she didn't care.

"Well what am I supposed to do about it?" Addison asked, her eyebrow still raised. She started tapping her foot against the floor, waiting for a response from the younger girl.

"Can you maybe help me with them, please?" Meredith asked Addison but was greeted by a tut instead. "Dr. Grey, you are well aware that I am a world-class neonatal surgeon who has save lives, correct?"

Meredith sheepishly looked down at her feet, feeling bad for even asking Addison for help. "Yeah, I'm sorry" Meredith apologised, for some reason she forgot that Addison already had too much work to do and that was why she was giving all the small tasks to her.

"You can do it in my office" Addison caved slightly, throwing Meredith a key. Meredith smiled and thanked Addison before heading to the office and sitting in the spinning chair that all the offices had. Even though it was just a small feature, she couldn't help but feel like these chairs were such a luxury.

Meredith began at the top of the pile, meticulously writing down details, medications and treatment methods which have been used on the patients. As she progressed onto the 5th file, her eyes were becoming tired and droopy and it was hard to focus.

In her half-asleep state, she saw the door begin to open and she automatically woke up with a jolt of energy and began working on the case files once again.

Addison pulled over a spare chair and sat beside Meredith, grabbing a file from the pile and beginning to write in it. Meredith mumbled a thank you and both the women worked on the case files.

"You can't treat me different because of Derek you know" Meredith began to talk while working on the post-op reports. Her annoyance after being given intern work beginning to bubble out.

"I'm not treating you different, where are you getting that from?" Addison asked defensively, placing the pen she was holding in her mouth and eyeing Meredith for answers on what she meant.

"Well you're always giving me intern work but I'm not an intern anymore and it just seems sort of unfair. You do know I didn't know about you, right?" Meredith explained without taking her eyes away from her work. "When Cristina or Alex are on your service, I don't see you giving them petty tasks like you do to me" She added.

Addison was shocked at how Meredith was just blabbering about this so casually, like it barely mattered. Addison mumbled to herself, unsure of what to say. "It's not because of that, but I'm sorry for treating you differently" Addison finally chose what to say, saying her words with careful delicacy. She didn't want to be hit with a lawsuit of some sorts over this.

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