Chapter Six: Parting Butterflies

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Once Cristina saw that Addison had left the room, she waited about a minute before rushing into Meredith and leaning at the doorway. "What the hell was that?' Cristina asked, Meredith could tell she was shocked and wanted to hear all about it.

"I- I kissed her" Meredith replied, still in shock. She knew that Cristina had already heard that part, but she still thought it was very important just to clarify that she also believed it was true.

"Well I know that, Sherlock" Cristina rolled her eyes, rushing over to Meredith's bedside and sitting down where Addison had previously been. "I want the rest of the details, how much did you even forget?!" Cristina asked in a panicked state of excitement, this was some of the biggest drama she's ever heard coming from Meredith; and she's heard a lot.

"I told her about my ex-girlfriend, I kissed her but she pushed me away and then she mase me breakfast, I suppose." Meredith explained slowly, a slight twinge of sadness evident in her voice as she explained how Addison didn't kiss her back. Meredith wasn't sure how she felt about Addison, but for some reason she wished that Addison kissed her back, and she wished that she had remembered what it felt like for that split second before she had been pushed away. She wondered what Addison's lips must've tasted like and imagined the thousands of sparks and butterflies suddenly forming in the pit of her stomach, making her want to explode. She blushed lightly at the thought of this, but she was brought back into reality by Cristina once again.

"Your ex-girlfriend?" Cristina raised an eyebrow at her and Meredith just responded in a slight nod. "Who do you think I went travelling to Europe with?" She laughed and Cristina laughed as well. Meredith could hardly remember her ex by now because all of the memories were replaced by newer ones. However, she could remember the nights when they stayed up until the sun rose having the best sex in her life and she could remember how warm and safe she felt, but for some reason that time in her life was just a big hazy blur.

After they both stopped laughing they sat there in silence for a minute, both pondering about what they should say now. Meredith was the first one to break the silence, accidentally mumbling her thoughts out loud. "Do you think that I might be in love with Addison Montgomery?" Meredith questioned herself in a soft voice, biting onto her lower lip.

"Mer, what do you mean?" Cristina asked and that was when Meredith had realised she had accidentally spoken out loud. Learning from her past mistakes, she kept her eyes glued on the door and started whispering in a very hushed voice. "Would it be bad if I was, considering her and Derek's past and all" Meredith began to blabber.

"It's just, unlike Derek, she seems like she'd actually be supportive- and caring, and funny and everything that he's not, you know?" Meredith continued, still staring at the door in paranoia that Addison or someone would walk in during her monologue about why she might be in love with Addison Montgomery. "I wish I could be half as in control as she is about everything, she just seems like she knows who she is and she's not afraid of it"

"Mmh, she kind of gives me gay vibes" Cristina finally gave some information that could help Meredith in her huge dilemma. "Yeah! That's what I was thinking but it's just like, if she not then why am I sending myself on a wild goose hunt?" Meredith replied, sighing to herself, "I'm just not sure what to do."

"Say, can we walk down to the cafeteria? I'm dying for some apple juice and a muffin." Meredith asked, changing the topic swiftly as she does when things become too 'real' and licking her lips in anticipation for her tasty treat. "Sure, but I'm gonna grab you a wheelchair, just in case." Cristina laughed, standing up and walking over to the door. "Alright, fine, I suppose" Meredith scoffed, rolling her eyes as Cristina left and grabbed a wheelchair, quickly returning.

Meredith easily got into the wheelchair and cherished the fact that Cristina had to push her around to wherever she wanted to go. "You're heavy you know?" Cristina complained and Meredith just laughed in response, "I know!" She responded with pride, a huge grin sprawled across her face.

When they arrived at the canteen, it was quiet due to it being two in the morning now. However, there was still a few staff members having a 'midnight feast' as they'd call it. Unluckily for Meredith, one of those staff members was Derek Shepherd. Meredith took in a sharp breath but she managed to calm herself as her and Cristina grabbed some snacks, situating themselves at a table far away from Derek. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't go near you" Cristina assured her, and that made her feel a bit more safe and calm as she started to drink her apple juice.

Derek knew that it wouldn't be a good idea to go over to them, so he just stared at Meredith. Meredith kept glancing over at him but the second she locked eyes with him, she quickly looked away. She was really scared that he would come over, but knew that Cristina would keep her safe if he did, and she hoped that he wouldn't even dare to come over, because it wasn't his place to do so.

Meredith and Cristina just gossiped for a few minutes while they both ate; Meredith had a muffin and a carton of apple juice and Cristina had a scone with jam alongside a coffee to keep her going. They talked about patients, parents, relationships and cool surgeries that they each did and they were both happy to spend some one on one time together, because it felt like ever since they became residents they spoke to each other less and less.

Once they were finished, Cristina brought Meredith back to her room, making sure to check the OR board on the way to see if she was missing out on any important surgeries because she was taking care of her friend. Luckily, Cristina wasn't missing out on anything other than appendectomies, c-sections and a coronary artery bypass; which intrigued her slightly but not enough for her to be annoyed over missing it. Her friend mattered more than all those silly surgeries after all.

Meredith got out of her wheelchair and got up into the bed all by herself. She leaned her head against the pillow but told herself that she wouldn't fall asleep, but less than a minute after her head hit the pillow she was out for the night, her snores filling up the room. Cristina laughed and put earphones in, watching videos in order to study for her upcoming surgery which she hoped to scrub in on. Cristina didn't notice a familiar face standing at the doorway and smiling at the sleeping girl, until they started to move closer to her.

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