Chapter Eight: Rockabye

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It felt like hours had passed when Addison finally spoke up, "We really should go back inside, so you don't get sick..." Addison sighed, staring at the stars for another few seconds before looking back down at Meredith.

Meredith sighed also, moving her head off of Addison's shoulder and looking down at her lap. They both waited for a second while their thoughts and hearts raced before Addison stood up, going behind Meredith's wheelchair and starting to push her inside.

"You're really light, you know?" Addison remarked and Meredith turned her head around, giving Addison the most confused look. "What? What's with that confused look?" Addison asked, laughing awkwardly because she was unsure if she said something bad. "Cristina said I was heavy a couple of hours ago when she pushed me." Meredith began to laugh, looking away from Addison once again. Addison was unsure what to say, so she laughed a little and just responded in a quiet "Oh."

They stayed silent for a couple of minutes until they arrived at Meredith's room. Cristina was waiting on the bed for Meredith to come back, kicking her legs from boredom. "I've been waiting for you for ages!" Cristina yelped and Meredith laughed, glancing behind her at Addison. "Do you mind?" Meredith asked softly, making sure to be very polite and Addison laughed a little. "Of course not, go talk to her" Addison smiled and helped Meredith out of her wheelchair and then she left, leaving the two girls to chatter amongst themselves.

Once Addison had left, Meredith felt really guilty for the bruise on Cristina's cheek. "Cristina I'm so sorry" She sighed, placing her hand gently onto Cristina's cheek to see how bad her bruise was. "Mer, it's fine. Are you okay?" Cristina asked, her worry evident in her voice. Meredith nodded, "Yeah I'm fine. She-Shepherd helped me out" Meredith laughed, using the old nickname.

"More like the soon-to-be other grey" Cristina teased, causing Meredith to blush bright red. "Oh shut up!" Meredith growled, trying to cover her embarrassment by hiding her face in her hands.

"What happened to Derek after?" Meredith asked, her mood suddenly turning solemn. "Psych hold" Cristina replied, seemingly unfazed by this. Meredith nodded, not seeking too shocked either.

"Did you kiss her again yet?" Cristina finally asked the burning question, smirking a little to herself. Meredith's face heated up once again while she shook her head 'no.' "Not yet" Meredith remarked, bursting into a bubble of laughter. Cristina laughed alongside her, both enjoying the gossip session.

"Well maybe I would be the other Forbes-Montgomery" Meredith laughed more, laying back and letting her head hang off the side of the bed. She sighed contentedly, still pretending to joke around but seriously considering it. "Meredith Ellis Grey-Forbes-Montgomery, that's a mouthful" Cristina joked alongside her.

"Hey, how do you know my middle name?" Meredith asked curiously, raising one of her eyebrows. "I have my ways" Cristina teased, giving Meredith a playful wink. "Who told you? How? Tell me!" Meredith growled, lightly punching Cristina on the arm. Cristina just responded with a shrug and Meredith knew that she wouldn't find out, not that night anyways.

"I would tease you about surnames as well, but knowing you, you'd just keep your own" Meredith shrugged and Cristina nodded, "Obviously. Why would I take someone else's when mine is perfect as it is?" She laughed, flipping her hair a little to prove her point.

"I'm gonna go back to sleep, is that okay? It's been such an eventful day and my mind is racing" Meredith asked, making sure to be as polite as she could be. "Alright, will I stay or go?" Cristina responded, jumping off the bed and leaning against the wall. "Go, if that's okay" Meredith said and Cristina nodded, making sure to wave goodbye as she walked out the door, hoping that she could scout out for some surgeries.

Meredith laid on the bed properly and snuggled up to her pillow and duvet, searching for some comfort. Instead of finding that though, she just got more upset as the emotions properly hit her like a truck. She hid her face in the pillow and started sobbing, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Meredith didn't even notice Addison leaning against the doorway until she let out a loud, guilty sigh. Meredith quickly opened her eyes and looked over at the doorway, but once she saw who it was she immediately threw the duvet over her head. "Addie, go away" Meredith grumbled, her voice cracking in several places as she spoke.

"Did your emotions finally catch up with you?" Addison asked, walking in and closing and locking the door after herself. "Mmm" Meredith mumbled, still hiding under her duvet. Addison slowly approached Meredith and climbed up onto the bed behind her, sitting on the pillow. "Can you let me in?" Addison asked softly, rubbing the girl's back through the duvet.

Meredith threw the duvet off of herself and nodded, crawling over and leaning on Addison's shoulder, beginning to sob once again. "Shh, shh... It's okay" Addison tried to comfort her, stroking her hair softly. Meredith felt like she was annoying Addison and hated how she couldn't hold in her emotions, but she just couldn't stop crying, it was such an eventful night even thinking back on it made her upset.

"Addison" Meredith finally spoke again, looking up and staring her in the eyes. "Hm? What is it?" Addison asked, staring back at the girl whom she was holding. "I have something to tell you, but I can't tell you now" Meredith admitted and then burst into tears once again, clinging onto Addison once again.

Addison began to rock the girl in order to comfort her, "Whatever it is, I'm sure it won't change anything Mer, don't worry too much" Addison smiled and Meredith just growled, punching Addison softly on the arm several times. "Why do you always say the right things at the right times, it's so unfair!"

Addison didn't respond to this remark but she just laughed softly to herself, continuing to rock Meredith and pet her hair. Meredith slowly started to fall asleep in Addison's arms, and once she was properly asleep she began to snore. Addison smiled to herself, admiring the girl's beauty as she started to fall into a deep slumber herself.

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