"I don't know if that's a good thing-"

"Definitely a good thing, trust me...can I tell you something?" he bit his lip which was enough to make me melt right then and there.

I nodded, feeling breathless at the fact that he was so close to me right now. If I moved even slightly, our lips would touch, and fuck I wanted that. The last few minutes have made me sober up faster than anything and I so badly wanted to kiss him.

"I really wanna kiss you right now," he whispered, closer than ever before.

My brain was swimming in the countless possibilities of what I should or shouldn't do right now. I wanted to forget about my chaos ensued life and just go with the flow for the first time. I needed to not contradict myself and overthink every minuscule thought that I had and just do what I felt was right.

And kissing Harry felt right in the moment.

"What are you waiting for then?" I moved a sliver of an inch closer to him. He was looking down at me. His close proximity and the overhead lighting were illuminating ever so slightly the green colour of his eyes. He had freckles across his nose that I never noticed before and they were spread across his face in the prettiest of ways.

I wasn't sure who made the first move but suddenly it felt as if the whole world paused around us. It only made me aware of how close he was the second his lips met my own as his hands gently grabbed my face. I was no longer imagining what his lips felt like on my own, as it was truly happening at this moment. His kiss was gentle yet strong but soft, all rolled up into one.

Nothing else mattered at the moment because it was just us two and no one else. Harry's herbal-infused scent filled my nose, subtle hints of mint and alcohol were noticeable as well. My hands were placed on his chest as we continued to mould our mouths together.

He was moving his lips with mine and fuck he was a great kisser. In my lifetime, I had kissed a few people but this was definitely going to be the most memorable. I felt Harry's hands move down the sides of my arm and then onto my waist as I was now fully pressed against the wall. I was fully aware that the bedroom door was wide open but I couldn't care less. I shiver ran down my spine as his fingers danced over the skin of my sides and it was now that I remembered that the buttons of my shirt were wide open and my bra was on display.

His calloused fingers were tender as they skimmed my waist ever so slightly and I never wanted this moment to end.

Unfortunately, the universe had other plans as a loud bang and scream interrupted us, causing us to stop and pull away

"Your lips are so soft, " Harry said with wonder in his eyes, "And warm, and nice, and...you smell really good..." he mumbled, sounding out of breath.

"Are you still drunk," I laughed at his words and looked away from him because I didn't want him to see how much of an effect he truly had on me just by muttering a few simple words. "I'm serious," he smiled and followed my eyes so I had no other choice but to stare at him.

Fuck, he was gorgeous.

"I appreciate that," he smirked, letting me know I had just voiced my own thought out loud. "You have lipstick on your face" I tried to distract him by pointing out the messy red stain he had around his mouth but he just smirked in response.

"I wonder why that is?" he playfully joked, landing a kiss on my forehead.

This new side of him was already making me swoon...it was nice to see him like this. Seeming like he had no other worries in the world.

He looked happy. And it was a sight I hoped I never stopped seeing.

I forgot the whole reason I came up here in the first place was because I was almost passing out on the grass outside earlier until I let out a big yawn making Harry quirk an eyebrow.

"Tired?" he laughed.

"This always happens when I drink too much," I groaned. He chuckled at my statement, "You're a lightweight but you can handle your alcohol....surprised you didn't pass out while playing beer pong," he said.

"One more shot and I would've"

Harry sighed and gave me a half-smile, pulling himself away further from me. "Get some rest...I'll leave you be,"

I nodded, glancing around the room before looking back at Harry, "I'll see you tomorrow then?" I asked, uncertainty laced within my tone. What if this was just a drunken mistake to him...even though we were both almost sober, what if he regretted it in a few hours? "Of course," he whispered, taking a few steps towards me and placing his hands around my waist again, leaning down to give me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Goodnight, Joy"



hello!!!!! sorry this chapter took a little longer than usual!!!! my week has been crazy busy and my city is at an all time high for covid rn :/

there were 2 cases at my uni so it's being shut down for two weeks! ill probably have more time to write and hopefully i can have another chapter up by the end of the week!!!


how do we feel now knowing they've (kinda) established that they like each other???

lmk ur thoughts!! don't forget to vote n comment!!! thank u sm for reading <333

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