Date night

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Angels pov

5 Days Later

I woke up that day alone but I knew that I was loved. The hospital was very boring so there is really no point in saying what happened. Today I'm pretty nerves because Vadik and I changed our date night to today due to the actions prior. Yes I know I still have like 5 more hours but I don't know if its like a fancy date or what. The main thing that is in my mind is what if I dress way to fancily or what if I under dress. That's when I decided to meet it in the middle. So I ended up putting on a simple but nice black dress and some convers. For my hair I simply just curled it a little.

If you are wondering if I wore make up nope I did not

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

If you are wondering if I wore make up nope I did not. Well lets just say that getting ready took much faster then expected and now I still have like an hour left. So I decided to mess with Andrew.  With that I left my room and went of to his I ended up plopping on his bed while he seemed to be playing red for dead. I shied heavily to get his attention it did take a few times but he soon asked what. Rudely I might add anyways I say "Do you think this dress is to much or to little". He just rolled his eyes and said "I don't give a single fuck but you do look beautiful if that helps your confidence". I just replied with a thankyou and stayed there watching him play his game for like 30 munities. 

I finally got a text message saying that Vadik was here and that I should go out side. So I went down stairs and yelled "I will be back in a few hours love yeal bye". I got a bunch of byes back and with that I left. I saw a nice sleek Cadillac in the middle of the road. Right next to the passenger door was Vadik but I would think that was obvious but just in case there you go. He went on and kissed my hand and told me that I was beautiful. Wow this man knows how to make a girl blush. He then went on and opened the door to let me in once I got in the car he ran to the other side and got in the drivers side of the car.

Once we were on the road I asked " So where are we going"? He would just tell me that it was a secret each and every time I asked. About and hour or so later he ended up taking me to the woods. I swear if this dude even try's to kill me I will rule the day he was born. As I was thinking of ways to haunt this man he parked the with and abrupt stop. He soon got out of the car and opened my door reaching his hand out for mine. Garbing his hand and stepping out of the car. he soon read my mind and answered my question with "its just a little hike люблю". We then started to head towards the destination. The scenery was beautiful  there were these beautiful lights that were on the trail that we where on.

Not 10 minutes later he stops and we are at this like medium size of clear ground with trees surrounding the small plot of land. But instead of the area being clear there was this plaid blanket with diner light candles and wine glasses on the blanket. Next to the blanket was a medium sized  basket which I imaged held some food inside. Around all of that was rose petals and more lights. looking up the hole place is just lit up with the same lights I saw coming up to where we were now. The hole thing looked to be very romantic and seemed to take a long time. He soon invited me to sit down with him where he pored us what seemed to be sparkling water. 

Taking the glass from him I gave a simple "Thankyou" and he nodded. We then just had some small talk with me also complementing the scenery. Soon he took the basket and opened it reveling what seemed to be chocolate strawberry's and one of those bags that can hold in heat. The bag contained some stake that looked to be cooked medium rare. Wow he really went all out I thought. Eating the stake first and it was prefect like it was juicy but still tender. The strawberry's were just as good. Once finished we went back to his car and headed back to what I imaged would be my house.

Boy was I wrong next he took me to a flowery spot so we can just watch the stars. After doing that he then took me home with the time being like 9pm. Getting home at 10 none of my brothers seem to be home. I end up just ignoring it and go up stairs to my room being tired I just change into some over sized close who I think I stole from Andrew and jumped on my bed. I leave my door open so hades can come in here manly because I want a sleeping companion but also for my safety.  I end up getting woken up with screaming and loud banging noises. Wanting to go back to sleep I yell "shut up down there please and thank you". 

Closing my eyes I'm woken up again with this heavy like weight opening one of my eyes I see Elias there in tears and what seemed to be drunk. Sighing heavily knowing that I'm not going to sleep anytime soon I asked him what was wrong. To which he did not answer but he lunged on to me with a hug. Felling bad for him in his variable state to which I know he probably dose not want anybody to see I suggested we fall asleep to which he just nodded and and cuddled me while sniffling in my neck and using my hair as a tissue. This is going to be an interesting night anyway I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow looks like you got some reading to do. 

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