teddy bear

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Matteo's pov

Today was just any other day. I went to school and left like an hour after I got there. But technically I was at school because I was still on school grounds. About two hours into the school day all the teen agers in our family got a text to come home immediately. Of course I did not argue with that at all its not like I have any friends. Its funny on how some people think they know you just because they had one encounter with you. That's the problem with this lame excuse of a school you are only popular if you're rich. But if you are lucky enough to have foruten people will always say they know you for popularity it's sick that people want to peak in high school.

Walking home from school because I just recently got a dui and my car privileges taken away I forgot how pretty the surroundings near our house was. I wonder why people take things like that for granted oh well. After my long walk home I go straight to my room and pop open a monster and light a cigarette. Its funny that when you are younger things that helped you cope and deal with your demons can change drastically. Like I used to draw which I still do just not as much for it just brings more pain when I want it to be taken away.

A little later I hear ruckus down stairs. Must be that bitch who claims to be our sister.It's tiring hearing fake ass girls say the are our sister just because they want to get closer to us. I blame dad on that one he was the one who put that dumbass article out there and suddenly the whole town is your sister.To be honest deep deep down I was hoping the girl down stairs was our sister but it's hard to hope when it is all gone.

About 10 minutes later the door opens again which I knew to be Elies.There was some shuffling then I heard my name being called."Matteo get your ass down here and meet your sister"he yelled. I swear all he knows is how to yell.So I say back"Why the fuck do I need to meet someone who is probably not our sister anyway". Of course I yelled this he's not the only one who can do that.After  a few minutes of hanging around in my room I get intrigued and go down stairs.Once I get down there me and Angel have direct eye contact. Oh my fucking god that her she has the same blue eyes as all of us.But I show no love or emotion towards he I can't lose her again.

We get told that dinner is ready and you can see that Angel likes both the food and dining room. I laughed in my head a little because the look on her face was priceless. I did notice that she hardly ate anything I hope Elies brings that up we don't want her getting an eating disorder. After dinner Angel is sent to Elie's office to talk on our rules.I ended up bumping into her on my way to my room I probably had resting bitch face because she said "Well hello to you to" but she said it with some attitude so I flipped her off. Fuck why do I have to be such a prick she probably hates me now. What the fuck have I just done I want to hold her and tell her that I love her but I cant I just cant. I ended up crying myself to sleep that night holding the last thing angel gave me before she was kidnaped a soft fuzzy teddy bear we have matching ones. Well that's if she still has hers.

There Fallen AngelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin