Family dinner and rules

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angel pov

we are now all sitting on the couch all 5 brothers wait I thought I had 6 brothers. That is when Elies yelled to the upstairs aria"Matteo get your ass down here and meet your sister"."Why the fuck do I need to meet someone who is probably not our sister anyway"someone yelled back.Im guessing he was matteo his words did hurt a little but but I do understand where he is coming from.Soon a dude with longish hair came running down the stairs and we had direct eye contact for a good few minutes.You could see love in his eyes but it went away just as fast as it came. He did sit on the couch liked asked tho.

As we were waiting for further instructions the doberman who I learned his name was hades came over and sat on my lap.As this was happening you can see the fear in Tony's eyes like as if he is not good with people. While this transaction was going on Elie's cleared his throat and stated that everyone should introduce themselves oldest to youngest.That is when he started "Im Elies and i'm 23 years old"He stated. Then there was Bellamy who was 20 and I found out he was the mama bear of the family. Tommy was next he is 18 and definitely not a people person.Next was Tony who is also 18 and tommy's twin and he is a musician but was also surprised that hades who was his dog took a liking to me.Soon matteo introduced himself he is 17 and a fighter and I guess we were pretty close.Lastly was my twin andrew who was also 15 and he drives a motorcycle. 

After the maid said that our food was ready we went to sit into the dining room. Lets just say i'm awestruck It was beautiful and way to fancy for me. Lets just say that the food looked even better than the dining room if that's even possible.Sadly my appetite was not present at all at the moment. Luckily no one really noticed the fact that I was not eating. Once everyone finished Elies asked me to meet him in his office which made me think of all the reasons why he wanted me to that. I soon made it into his office and I was told to sit in his chair so I did so. 

Basically he just said that I have to follow some rules of the house and also his expectations of me. To summarize it all I am allowed to date but they would have to meet him first. I have to get good grades there is a curfew and revealing clothing is not allowed. he was worried about my eating habits and complimented my snake earrings.Oh and most importantly I can not go down towards the basement for that's where they all work. That made me wonder are they in the mafia because all the pieces are tying together if it was like that.

Once I left his office I was meet with an unhappy matteo. "Well hello to you to"I said in a kindof rude voice. He just gave me the bird and left me there confused on where to go.As I am walking around lost and that's when im meet with and equally as confused Tony."what's up tesoro wair are you trying to go"he laughed. "Oh you know just my room im kinda lost"I started nervously. He then showed me where it was and told me if I did not like it that I was allowed to change it to my liking. But it was to beautiful to change the way it looks. Also I guess that we are also going shopping tomorrow for school supplies and also close.Sorry I forgot to say i'm going to school next week with three f the brothers. I guess you can wish me luck for the days to come.

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