"You know that the pack hate you, right? That you're the reason that their best friend and true love died. Every single time they look at you, all they can see is the monster that killed their friend." Void Sarah taunts, unfazed with the position she was currently in.

"What do you want from me?" Sarah questions with tears in her eyes.

"Chaos, Strife and Pain." She says in response, grabbing onto her arm to take it away from her. Sarah's grip falters and Void Sarah was able to get out of her grip, swapping their positions. "Now, down to business." Void Sarah tells her. "I'm stuck inside you and because your stupid friend decided to turn you on the roof, I wasn't able to take control again and I don't think I will be able to."

"You're stuck?" Sarah questions, her lips flicking up to a smirk as she kicks Void away from her, pinning her onto the ground. "You're stuck in here." Sarah states, noticing the look of fear passing by Void's eyes. "You're scared."

"Of course not." Void disagrees.

"I can pick up the scent, I may be a newbie werewolf but I can sense your emotions." Sarah remarks. "What are you scared of?"

"You." Void reveals and Sarah frowns I confusion. "You have so much power and you're unaware of how powerful you actually are."

"What are you talking about? I'm a Beta." Sarah corrects but Void begins to chuckle in disbelief.

"Really? Someone as powerful as you thinks their a beta? How do you think you got control so quickly? How do you think you were able to sense deaths around you? You're a lot more powerful than a stupid Beta." Void scoffs in disbelief.

"Are you going to keep being vague or are you going to tell me what you mean?" Sarah says, standing up from the ground with void.

"You survived a nogitsune, part of me is still inside you, how do you think we're having this conversation?" Void questions and Sarah stops to ponder what she has just said.

"So what am I? A nogitsune or a werewolf?" Sarah frowns.

"You're both." Void reveals and Sarah eyes widen in shock. "You've got some of me and some wolf inside of you, a perfect balance of a wolf and a fox." 

"But the scroll said you can't be both-" Sarah starts.

"The scroll was wrong." Void deadpans. "Turning you into a werewolf just made it so you had control over me."

"But we turned into 2 different people..." Sarah trails off rather confused. "I watched you as you got sucked into the box."

"The host and the nogitusne always share a special bond, they're still connected regardless." The nogitsune explains. "Even when I'm in a mountain ash box, we're still connected. We always will be." 

"But you can't take control of me?" Sarah questions and Void nods. "Because I'm a werwolf?" Sarah asks and Void nods once again. "What am I doing in here?"

"You would've died tonight if it wasn't for me." Void reveals, sitting down on the Nemeton and Sarah sits next to her. "You're in a supernatural coma until you decide to wake up." 

"I choose when to wake up? I want to wake up." Sarah realises, standing up abruptly from the Nemeton. "Let me out!" She shouts up to the white walls but all she can hear is her echo back. "I thought you said I could choose when to wake up." 

"Do you really want to wake up? You're safe in here, you can make any mistakes and you don't have to worry about anything. You can even let me take control for a little bit." Void hints and Sarah eyes turn to her in disgust.

Inexplicable (DEREK HALE)Where stories live. Discover now