JoJo Steals The Show Show

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"So what have you weirdos been up to?"

This week, Liam, Peter, and I were going to perform a trio for the ALDC LA, so it was an off-show dance. That meant that they obviously had to come, and I was excited for it. Mostly because Maddie's busy this week and won't be around all the time.

"I'm hurt." Peter says, "We've called almost every single day."

"And?" I look over to him as we continue walking, "That legit does not count."

"You know, just dancing and school." Liam says, "And wishing it was summer already."

"It's January." Peter tells him.


The three of us enter the building and I notice Ashlee talking with Christy.

"Wait, oh my gosh!" I exclaim as Sarah comes out of the studio, "Sarah?!"

"Melanie!" Sarah smiles as we hug.

"How do I never know what's happening here?" I laugh as the boys walk over to us.

"She was in the same flight as us." Peter tells me, "So it wasn't a surprise for us."

"Abby invited me for this week." Sarah tells me, "I don't know how this is going to go."

"Hopefully good with you around." I say as we pull away, "Now I'm excited for this week!"

"Weren't you excited with us?" Liam asks.

"Nope." I lie and chuckle, "Of course, but even more with Sarah."

The boys leave and the two of us enter the studio and line up for pyramid.

"Okay. Welcome Christy. Sarah. Let's get to pyramid quickly." Abby says, "We were in Las Vegas, Nevada, this past weekend. Congratulations. We did a David Bowie number and the group won." We all clap, "Now, on the bottom of the pyramid, we have Kalani. She's not here. Next, we have Mackenzie. In class, I don't remember yelling at you about your feet. On stage, you are thinking about the face and the choreography and the musicality, that's just, like, the first thing to go, is the feet." Next headshot, "Next, we have JoJo. Nice job in the group, no problems, fine. Next, we have Kendall. Kendall, you got through a whole day without a breakdown. Pretty good."

I look over to Jill, who has a confused and kind of upset look on her face.

"Next, we have Maddie. You really wanted to hold onto that can of silly spray. It was all about you getting out the last drop." What kind of comment is that? "Next, on the pyramid, is Melanie. I think you were pretty great in the trio. In the group, however, it was almost like if you weren't there."


Nia   Melanie   Maddie   Kendall

JoJo   Mackenzie   Kalani

Brynn and Sarah have a duet, same with Kendall and Maddie. Nia also has an off-show solo this week. Also, the group dance is baseball themed, so that's weird.

•Two Days To Competition•

"Maddie's not here today, huh?" Christy comments as we all meet up outside the building.

"She is, um, filming." Mom answers as Kendall and I take a selfie together.

"Yeah, but how are we gonna finish the one duet without Maddie?" Christy asks, "Do you think they'll get it done, today then and then just rehearse later on?"

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