26 - Final : Life Goes On - Journey (TW)

Start from the beginning

Three months since Jin first brought in into the hospital in his unconscious state by Taehyung and Jungkook, almost two months since little Seungyeon left for the world and Jin is still not waking up.

At this point, the doctor says to prepare for the worst. Even Jin's brother and sister in law got no words for that. The only thing they could do is to prepare for the worst.

"Wake up please. Wake up hyung. Wake up, Seungyeon left a gift for you, you should wake up and open the gift yourself" Jimin whispers lightly to Jin's right ear.

He hopes Jin could hear him.

They didn't touch the gift Seungyeon's left for him. They put the gift on the bedside table instead, just right besides the blooming flowers.

The pendrive Seungyeon handed to Hoseok as well, is on the table too. They didn't touch anything. They patiently wait for Jin to wake up. They didn't care how long it will takes, they are willing to wait.

Jin's parents have taken care of the leaked videos from years ago. They threatened to sue everyone who left malicious comments on their youngest son. They did actually sued some people already as the proof that they didn't play with their words.

Even some of the media outlets got sued by the parents as they should. Big names like MBD and SBT also getting sued by the Kims. Once you play with a Kim, you're not going to like what they're going to do with your life.

The Kims didn't play around, the Kims protect their precious lives. Don't mess with the Kims.

Days after the big names getting sued, the boys as usual are at the hospital but not all of them are in the room.

It is only Yoongi and Namjoon in the room while Hoseok just left to take some air just a minute ago. The maknaes were being dragged by Jin's sister in law to eat at the cafeteria.

As Yoongi and Namjoon are in the room facing each other doing nothing, Namjoon remembers the words Seungyeon told him before.

"Seokjin hyung always carries that pendrive everywhere he goes. I think he has secrets on that"

Namjoon knows he is in no position to go through Jin's belongings but he just couldn't help it especially when he remembered what Seungyeon told him.

He walks closer to the bedside table and grabs the pendrive in his hand in which Yoongi quietly eyes him.

At this point, Jin's private hospital room has become their house. They didn't leave the hospital not even once except to grabs their things from the dorm like extra shirts, pants and their laptops.

As Namjoon get backs to the couch, he opens his laptop and plucked in the pendrive. Yoongi who's been silent all this while took interest in what Namjoon is doing. He sits closer to Namjoon and eyes what the younger is doing with the pendrive.

Upon looking at the files on the pendrive, they frown. There's not much in that. It seems like voice recordings. There's no title though for all eleven of the recordings, just random default names as the title.

Namjoon went through one by one. The first recording he opens, it is just like an accidental recording when someone pressed the recording button without realising. It has nothing in it.

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