More Adventures Of Reggie and Carrie

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Carrie - WHAT

Reggie - I bought a Camel

Carrie - What????

Reggie - Kidding

Carrie - Honestly though I wouldn't have been surprised if you did

Reggie - Okay back to the point. Okay so I was just walking around the city because I was bored

Carrie - And....

Reggie - And I face planted into the sidewalk but again not the point

Reggie - When I got up I saw that there's a karaoke place downtown. A literal karaoke place!!!!

Carrie - Woah that's awesome!!!!

Reggie - I know right. And I figured since we're friends we could go sing a couple songs. I mean we can both sing

Carrie - Well I guess we'll just have to see about that now won't we

Reggie - Oh if we're making this a competition then you're going down

Carrie - In your dreams


6 hours later

Carrie - Okay we might've sang too hard

Reggie - Might've!! I lost my voice Carrie. We have a gig tomorrow. If it's not back I can't do the backup stuff

Carrie - Wait is that seriously all they let you do

Reggie - I mean. Julie and Luke are the stars of the show

Carrie - But you have a killer voice

Reggie - Thanks Carrie but I'm stuck with backup unless we do what happened during Stand Tall

Carrie - I'm tempted to make a rock band and make you the male lead

Reggie - That's funny Carrie 😂

Carrie - I'm serious. I'm just ticked your voice isn't featured more

Reggie - It used to be. During Sunset Curve times. I was the Luke of Julie and the Phantoms kind of

Carrie - Huh??

Reggie - I don't know I didn't get it either

Carrie - Well I'm going to bed. I hope your voice comes back by tomorrow. If it doesn't then I have something that might help

Reggie - Can I just stay at your place

Carrie - Sure

Reggie - Alright I'll be right over

Julie and the Phantoms textsWhere stories live. Discover now