Christmas Eve

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Julie - Okay so Luke. We watched movies and I have been promised a walk

Luke - Oh then we'll have to take that walk then

Luke - Shall we

Julie - We shall

Luke - Hold on Julie wait

Julie - What???

Luke - I know you weren't just about to walk outside without a coat

Julie - Luke it's not that cold

Luke - Do you know how cold it is???

Luke - Are you a weather machine

Luke - Nope didn't think so

Julie - Okay okay you win

Julie - I'll put a coat on

Alex - Yes Luke give it to her

Julie - How did you get in here?!?!

Alex - Aren't you guys done asking that by now

Luke - We probably should be

Reggie - Oh I'm here too!!

Reggie - Hey Alex!!

Alex - Hey!!

Julie - Okay who else is here!!

Flynn - I'm here but I don't know how I got here

Carrie - Oh wait I'm here too

Julie - Okay so our privacy is invaded

Reggie - you guys should honestly be used to it

Alex - Actually Reggie and I want to tell you something but we're going to do it word for word

Alex - Reggie you start

Reggie - We

Alex - Wanted

Reggie - To

Alex - Say

Reggie - Merry

Alex - Christmas

Reggie - Eve!!

Luke - Woah Reggie did you memorize that

Reggie - Nope

Alex - I made him note cards

Alex - We had study sessions

Alex - This was no joke

Alex - It had to be perfect

Luke - Okay then...

Julie - Luke can we just go please

Luke - Yup let's head out

A/N: Merry Christmas Eve to all of you guys. Well I mean it's currently Christmas Eve for me for another like 49 minutes.

There will be a Christmas chapter up tomorrow of them opening there gifts so stay tuned for that.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!!

Til next time

- Kayla

Julie and the Phantoms textsWhere stories live. Discover now