You can't handle when other people cry

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Luke - Reggie why didn't you come to me today

Reggie - Simple

Reggie - You can't handle when other people cry

Reggie - Alex can

Julie - Woah what's going on

Alex - 😂😂

Reggie - Don't you laugh at my pain mister

Alex - 😶😶

Julie - Now tell me what happened

Reggie - I had an emotional breakdown today

Julie - Are you okay!!!!!

Reggie - Yeah I'm fine but Luke is claiming that he is the best emotional support

Julie - Nope. Luke you suck at emotional support

Luke - Hey!!!

Reggie - Don't even

Reggie - Do you remember the first time I cried in front of you

Luke - Don't bring that up

Alex - Yes yes!!! EXPOSE HIM

Reggie - Woah man

Alex - Hehe 😂😂

Reggie - Well the first time I cried in from of Luke was when he found out that Jason Craner was bullying me back in the first grade

Julie - So I'm guessing he beat up the bully??

Reggie - That's not how he dealt with me but yeah

Alex - Tell her!! Tell her!!!

Reggie - Jeez Alex calm down

Reggie - Okay so he and Alex found me crying on my front porch. They took me in my house and sat me on the couch. While Alex comforted me Luke went into the kitchen

Julie - You thought of eating at a time like that!!!!

Alex - Just wait. Wait for it

Reggie - So he came back, and when I looked up at him

Reggie - He threw a freaking pickle at my face

Julie - Hahahahahaha

Julie - Why though 🤭

Reggie - He said and I quote him in this

Reggie - Pickles make everything better

Luke - Not my best moment

Julie - Why a pickle though

Luke - Idk I like pickles

Julie - Okay then

Reggie - So you can not handle when other people cry.

Luke - Okay fair point

Alex - 🤭🤭🤭🤭

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