Flynn Gets Annoyed

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For - wendyguardiansofgf

Flynn has entered the chat
Flynn has added Reggie to the chat

Flynn - Okay we need to talk

Reggie - Why????

Flynn - You haven't been with your band in like 3 weeks unless Alex isn't around and I'm absolutely sick of it

Reggie - What do you want me to do Flynn?? He cheated on me. I loved him. If I wasn't dead already I would've died of a broken heart right then

Flynn - But you do still love him right??

Reggie - Of course I do, but I don't want to

Flynn - Maybe that's a sign

Reggie - A sign for what??

Flynn - That you need to forgive him

Reggie - I can't

Flynn - Look Reggie he really screwed up, and it is haunting him. I know because he told me. You are the best person ever and he doesn't deserve you, but maybe you need to give him the chance to make things right

Flynn has left the chat
Flynn has added Alex to the chat

Alex - Why am I here???

Alex - Oh....I get it now

Alex - Reggie we need to talk

Alex - Reggie I know you're getting these messages

Alex - Just say something

Reggie - Meet me at the beach in our spot


Alex's POV

As fast as lightning I threw my phone down and poofed to our special spot on the beach.

He was already there with his hands wrapped around his knees while he stared at the rolling waves. He looked so miserable.

I did this. I hurt the one person in this world that I care about more than anything.

"You know I come here everyday?" Reggie's voice startles me, but I don't say anything. I just listen.

"When I saw you kissing Willie. It broke me. It was just like back in high school when I dated Margaret Jennings. It just felt like you were using me. You know she cheated behind my back our whole relationship. When you did that it just made me feel like I couldn't be loved by anyone without them going off to be with someone else instead of me. That I wasn't worth being loved. It hurts you know?" No no no. Margaret was the absolute worst. You don't know how many times Reggie came to us with a broken heart after Margaret's man of the week.

She just kept him though. Kept leading him on. Kept playing him, and broke him a lot.

I'm her.

"Reggie I never meant to make you feel that way," I moved to sit next to him, and definitely did not miss the way he scooted away a little bit,"if you want to know. Willie kissed me. He came on to me, and I know this is the classic line, but trust me when I say it's true. That kiss meant absolutely nothing to me." He scoffed lightly and mumbled yeah right under his breath.

"No I'm serious Reg. Yes I was with Willie before, and yes I definitely still felt something, but that's all gone now. It's way different when I'm with you because you make me a better person, and even if we're dead I will continue to love you for the rest of my afterlife." He looked to me with the tears still glistening in his eyes. I just can't believe this was something I did to him.

"I..." He didn't get to finish because I just suddenly kissed him. It was just like in the movies. We had the sun's final light beaming on us as it set for the night, and all I could think about is how this couldn't be more perfect.


We finished our kiss like thirty seconds later, and he pulled back.

"I missed that." He spoke quietly as he leaned into my chest. I wrapped an arm around his smaller than usual form and pulled him close.

"Yeah me too." And there we sat. Watching the sun go down until it was gone.

A/N: Okay so they are officially back together. Well the others don't know yet and I might use that to my advantage. Well we'll have to see. Until next time.

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